uberVU / mozaic

JS Framework for building SPA
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uberVU, the leader of online social media monitoring, makes its own Coffee :)

This is our very own, home-brewed SPA framework. More details: https://github.com/uberVU/mozaic/raw/master/mozaic.pdf

Release notes for v0.3:

Release notes for v0.2:

In this repo you have a TODO list app called TodoVU following the model from 1.

How to use Mozaic

This section is still under development...

Creating a module

Register a module for require.js that can later be imported inside a different module, using the key is it defined under as its alias

In conf/modules.js

App.the_modules = {
    // Alias -> actual path in project
    'model/user': 'modules/model/user',
    'collection/user': 'modules/collection/user',
    'widget/Dashboard': 'modules/controller/dashboard',
    'widget/Users': 'modules/controller/users',
    'widget/users': 'modules/widget/users'

Creating a widget

See Creating a module above for adding the widget file as a module

Basic widget class

# Require the base widget as a dependency
define ['cs!widget'], (Widget) ->

    class UsersWidget extends Widget
        subscribed_channels: ['/users']
        template_name: 'templates/users.hjs'

        get_users: (params) =>
                Listener for changes on the /users data channel
            # Render layout whenever a "reset" event occurs and the entire
            # users collection is refreshed
            if params.type is 'reset'
                # Send entire collection to template and make sure it doesn't
                # get stringified in the process by setting the 2nd parameter
                # to false (inefficient example)
                @renderLayout(users: params.collection.toJSON(), false)

Basic widget template

    {{#each users}}

Creating a controller

A controller is a widget that can be mapped to a url route. Contrary to the base widget encapsulation, a controller's template is defined in the urls.js config file, inside the route entry

In conf/urls.js

App.urls = {
    // Default route (no hashbang or empty one)
    '': {
        'controller': 'Dashboard',
        'layout': 'templates/controller/dashboard.hjs'
    'users': {
        'controller': 'Users',
        'layout': 'templates/controller/users.hjs'

As a convention, controllers are the only capitalized modules

Creating a data channel

In conf/datasource.js

App.DataSourceConfig = {
  channel_types: {
    '/users': {
      type: 'relational',
      collection: 'users',
      url: '/api/users?format=json'

The channel key should always start with a slash /

Channel options