MQTT library for connecting to Ubidots using MQTT protocol and an ESP8266 chip.
Ubidots(char* token)
Ubidots(char* token, char* clientName)
Creates an Ubidots instance, you must setup as input your Ubidots TOKEN, the MQTT client name is optional and must be unique so we recommend you to insert random ASCII characters if you decide to use it, if you don't pass the clientName as parameter to the constructor the library will try to get the MAC of the device as default client name.
add(char* variableLabel, float value, char *context, char *timestamp)
Add a variable with a value, context and timestamp to be sent to a certain data source, once you use add() you can publish your variable using the ubidotsPublish() method. You can add 5 variables maximum before of publish them.
Important: As this library depends on a Pubsubclient client, the max length of the JSON dictionary to send by default is 128 bytes, if you want to publish more than 3 variables and they have context or long names you should set at PubSubclient.h the MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE to 512, you can see on your serial console the dictionary to POST if you call the setDebug(bool debug)
method and pass a true value to it. For more information, refer to the PubSubclient official library:
begin(void (*callback)(char*,uint8_t*,unsigned int))
Sets the callback function for subscribed topics
Returns True if the device is connected to the MQTT broker
Infinite loop for MQTT connection, insert it at the end of your routine
For trying to make a reconnection every 5 seconds if the connection is lost.
ubidotsSetBroker(char* broker)
Sets the broker properly for publish and subscribe to Ubidots accounts. If your account if a business one, set "" or the endpoint provided by Ubidots as your broker, see examples for more information.
By default, broker will be set to publish and subscribe to free educational version accounts with broker "".
. The server to send data url.setDebug(bool debug)
Make available debug messages through the serial port.
ubidotsPublish(char *deviceLabel)
Publishes the variables added to the specified device label.
ubidotsSubscribe(char* deviceLabel, char* variableLabel)
Subscribe to the specified device label and variable label of your Ubidots account.
bool connect(const char* clientName, const char* username, const char* password)
Connects to the broker using a custom client name, username and password
void wifiConnection(char* ssid, char* pass)
Connects to an available WiFi network using WAP2.
void disconnect()
Disconnects gracefully from the broker, closing the socket
Please refer to examples folder.