ubilogix / koa2-oauth-server

Koa 2 wrapper for node-oauth2-server.
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Koa 2 OAuth Server

Koa 2 wrapper for node-oauth2-server

The wrapper is based on express-oauth-server.


TODO: Installation instructions, when published on npmjs.


A complete reference implementation is available in the /examples directory. The sample implements the following grant flows:

Additional features

This middleware extends upon the base oauth2 library by providing the following:

Scope verification middleware

Allows for protecting individual routes or routers with scope keys. If no method is provided, a default method performing substring matching will be used.

model.checkScope(requiredScope, token) => Boolean|String

Takes requiredScope and token as input, should return boolean true to indicate that the required scope was encountered, or boolean false or a string to indicate that it was not.

If false is returned, the default error message will read:

"Required scope: `{requiredScope}`"


Note: The below corresponds to the fallback checkScope implementation.

model.checkScope = (requiredScope, token) => {
    return token.scope.indexOf(requiredScope) !== -1;
const protected = new Router(),
      account   = new Router();

protected.use(oauth.authenticate()); // Requires bearer token
account.use(oauth.scope('account')); // Requires `account` scope

account.get('/edit', oauth.scope('edit'), (...) => { // Requires `edit` too
    // Update account information


Token grant metadata access

Exposes the ctx.request object to the model, allowing for processing and storage of metadata (IP, User Agent, etc.).

model.saveTokenMetadata(token, data) => Promise

Takes token and data objects as input, should return a Promise that resolves with the token object on completion.


Use some geolocation service to look up the user, then update the token entry.

model.saveTokenMetadata = (token, data) => {
    return geoDataLookup(data.ip).then((geoData) => {
        return token.update({ geoData: geoData });