ubio / css

ubio CSS Framework
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ubio CSS Framework

This framework provides the UI foundation layer for any UBIO-style app.
Demo https://ubio.github.io/css/

Visually tested with


In order to make UBIO apps visually consistent, we extract core styles responsible for the colour scheme and typography into a single CSS file, so it can be used as a base layer for any project.

This is a living project, that evolves as we go.

We keep it simple, scalable and flexible. This doesn't include a grid framework and icons, it's up to a particular project to take care of its layout and choose icons. For prototyping purposes we recommend https://fontawesome.com/icons

Recommended naming convention: BEM

Project structure

To consider: CDN vs. serve statically (e.g. GH Pages) vs. inlining in applications


Naming scheme

Variables.css structure


Amend with caution, this affects many UI elements provided by the framework.


The base layer is the most interesting from the typography and UI point of view, as it describes semantically meaningful HTML tags that one can use without any additional CSS classes.

In order to amend typography for a specific project, it's recommended to create specific classes describing the desired style, rather than overriding the base.css with new rules for tags, as base.css might change in the future. Think of it as a prototyping tool that serves a project with lightly styled HTML tags.

Core UI components

UI helpers

Print styles

About the project

npm run build

To publish

npm version <patch|minor|major>