ubiq / sparrow-extension-OLD

Sparrow browser extension for Ubiq (MetaMask's brother)
MIT License
7 stars 3 forks source link

Sparrow Browser Extension

Build Status Coverage Status

MetaMask's brother built for the Ubiq network.

To learn how to contribute to the MetaMask project itself, visit our Internal Docs.

Building locally

Uncompressed builds can be found in /dist, compressed builds can be found in /builds once they're built.


You can read our internal docs here.

You can re-generate the docs locally by running npm run doc, and contributors can update the hosted docs by running npm run publish-docs.

Running Tests

Run tests with npm test.

You can also test with a continuously watching process, via npm run watch.

You can run the linter by itself with npm run lint.


Architecture Diagram


npm install
npm start

Build for Publishing

npm run dist

Writing Browser Tests

To write tests that will be run in the browser using QUnit, add your test files to test/integration/lib.

Other Docs