ubiquibot / comment-incentives

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This document outlines the setup for the UbiquiBot comment incentives system, a serverless function hosted by GitHub Actions.

Default Key Pair for Generating Permits in Development

X25519_PRIVATE_KEY 627H-BcWbcp_O3YmQGIA6MqgxVsFuplFCA9DK3iC7GQ
X25519_PUBLIC_KEY nr416sZIvO-g1cnMyP6pNf4-DhQ02tWhP1atk03u4z8
evmPrivateEncrypted ndRZX-GoUC-bNdj_F7Buy8wM_FteiT_unbSpwMg1DBPXnnA2i94JNAsA92FfH3SATVPxQcjKFP9AuFK4T056r4zik0f8ROYsG1mbTcA7ftgm7LR24LCJLWIxpPxWxZ2UTUoAMj2pfoX9WYI0nm1-Q
evmPublicAddress 0x3a2E44e10AbEf5CB4a6E492c5ba93d30068d2D95
evmPrivateKey a29c749482b5d7e5987895a76f3d23002f3a3e1fabb26d370b7403ddead8926a

Generating a new evmPrivateKeyEncrypted

To generate a new encrypted EVM private key:

  1. Export the new wallet's EVM private key.
  2. Visit https://pay.ubq.fi/keygen.
  3. Enter the x25519_private_key into the "X25519_PRIVATE_KEY" field (sent via Telegram DM on Dec 25).
  4. Input the EVM private key into the "PLAIN_TEXT" field.
  5. Click "Encrypt".
  6. Place the "CIPHER_TEXT" value into the bot's configuration file (location unspecified). Source: UbiquiBot GitHub Issue