ubolonton / emacs-module-rs

Rust binding and tools for Emacs's dynamic modules
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binding emacs emacs-modules ffi rust

Emacs Module in Rust

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This provides a high-level binding to emacs-module, Emacs's support for dynamic modules.

Code for a minimal module looks like this:

use emacs::{defun, Env, Result, Value};


#[emacs::module(name = "greeting")]
fn init(_: &Env) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }

fn say_hello(env: &Env, name: String) -> Result<Value<'_>> {
    env.message(&format!("Hello, {}!", name))
(require 'greeting)
(greeting-say-hello "Emacs")

Example Modules


On Windows, use PowerShell to run the corresponding .ps1 scripts.