ubsuny / 23-Homework1G3

Homework 1 Repository Group 3
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Homework Task

Implement a classical arithmetic function on the IBM quantum computer. Document and unit test. Determine the limitation of the used quantum computer for your implementation.

For this you have to complete the following steps:

While you're working on it you will probably run into multiple issues. Generate issues for them and discuss solutions. Also check repositories of the other groups. Examples for issues you will probably face:

Also use discord for discussing solutions to any issues popping up.

Task descriptions



Unit Test:


Homework Points
Interaction on own project
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 3 1 3
Merge requests 2 1 2
Merge Accepted 0 1 0
Branches 5 0.5 2.5
Issues 21 0.5 10.5
Closed Issues 15 0.3 4.5
# Conversations 25 0.2 5
Total 71 27.5
Shared project points
# Label 10 0.2 2
# Milestones 0 1 0
# Tags 0 1 0
Total 10 2
Interaction on others project(s)
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 2 1 2
Branches 1 0.5 0.5
Issues 4 0.5 2
# Conversations 15 0.2 3
Total 22 7.5
Task completion 5 1 5
Sum 42