ubsuny / 23-Homework4G5

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Homework Task

Write Github actions for unit testing and linting for any of the existing solutions of Homeworks 2 or 3, document the process of writing github actions in the documentation

For this you have to complete the following steps:

Also use discord for discussing solutions to any issues popping up.

Tasks for algortihm, documentation, unit test


Homework Points
Interaction on own project
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 6 1 6
Merge requests 3 1 3
Merge Accepted 1 1 1
Branches 2 0.5 1
Issues 10 0.5 5
Closed Issues 5 0.2 1
# Conversations 25 0.2 5
Total 22
Shared project points
# Label 10 0.2 2
# Milestones 2 1 2
# Tags 0 1 0
Total 10 4
Interaction on others project(s)
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 3 1 3
Branches 1 0.5 0.5
Issues 9 0.5 4.5
# Conversations 15 0.2 3
Total 22 11
Task completion 5 1 5
Sum 42