ubsuny / 23-Homework5G3

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Homework Task

Take the FFT of the CO2/methane data of the most recent monthly average CO2 data of any of the the stations listed in (

In particular fullfill three tasks (one for each group member):

Task 1:

Task 2: Use some combination of waveform modification (which may include padding, windowing, taking the FFT, manipulating the waveforms, inverse FFT, and undoing the window+padding), to do the following:

Task 3:

For this you have to complete the following steps:

Also use discord for discussing solutions to any issues popping up.


Homework Points
Interaction on own project
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 6 1 6
Merge requests 3 1 3
Merge Accepted 1 1 1
Branches 2 0.5 1
Issues 10 0.5 5
Closed Issues 5 0.2 1
# Conversations 30 0.2 6
Total 23
Shared project points
# Label 5 0.2 1
# Milestones 2 1 2
# Tags 0 1 0
Total 7 5
Interaction on others project(s)
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 3 1 3
Branches 1 0.5 0.5
Issues 9 0.5 4.5
# Conversations 15 0.2 3
Total 22 11
Task completion 5 1 5
Sum 42