ubsuny / CP1-24-HW5

Homework 5 template for CP1
1 stars 5 forks source link

Greenhouse gas FFT

Take the FFT of the CO2/methane data available at the NOAA Global Monitoring Lab.

This Homework is seperated into three task groups (data collection, data preparation, and data presentation) and the same rules apply as in HW4.

Task group 1 data collection (3 members)

Check the license for the available data and add an appropiate license / NOTES for the repository. For the data use a common layout (columns and rows) and to add to the repository use pandas.DataFrame.to_json (see

Task group 2 data preparation (6 members)

Work on one single data preparation module called that contains the following functions:

All following functions should assume as an input a pandas time series with the index being a datetime object and the data being the concentration of CO2 / methane or its fourier equivalent (index: frequency; data: power spectrum)

All functions must also include docstrings and unit tests in

Task group 3 data presentation (max 6 members)

Work on a single data analysis Jupyter notebook using functions from that contain for each task below only one plot:

Task group 4 maintainers (max 2 members)


Homework Points
Interaction on project
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 1 1 1
Pull requests 1 4 4
PR Accepted 1 4 4
Other PR reviewed (by request) 1 4 4
Issues 1 1 1
Closed Issues 1 1 1
# Conversations 12 1/4 3
Total 18
Shared project points
# Milestones 12 1/4 3
Total 21
Task completion 21
Sum 42