Below you will find some instructions to help you contribute to this snap. The general workflow will be to submit PRs from your fork onto the "7.2" branch. Once the pull request has been submitted, there is a GitHub action that will automatically launch a build of the snap that you can use for testing. And then once the PR has been merged the GitHub action will launch a build on launchpad that will be automatically uploaded to the snap store, in the candidate channel, for more extensive testing.
Here is the workflow for submitting a change to the stable branch, and getting it published in the snap store in the candidate channel. If this is your first time contributing to this snap, then there are a couple of things you need to do as a one-time setup to get ready to submit your first pull request:
git remote rename origin myfork
git remote add ubuntu
git fetch --all
Once you're all setup for contributing, keep in mind that you want the git information to be all up-to-date. So if you haven't "fetched" all changes in a while, start with that:
git fetch --all -p
Now that your git metadata has been updated you are ready to create a bugfix branch, make your changes, and open a PR.
git checkout -b my-bugfix-branch ubuntu/7.2
git push myfork my-bugfix-branch
Once this branch has been pushed to your fork, you should update the local branch tracking so it tracks the branch pushed to your fork:
git branch -u myfork/my-bugfix-branch
to the ubuntu/7.2