uc-dataviz / course

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MACS 40700 - Data Visualization (Spring 2018)

Dr. Benjamin Soltoff Emma Peterson (TA)
Email soltoffbc@uchicago.edu ecpeterson@uchicago.edu
Office 209 McGiffert House MACSS Office Suite, McGiffert House
Office Hours Th 1-3pm Tu 2-4pm
GitHub bensoltoff emmacooperpeterson

Course description

Social scientists frequently wish to convey information to a broader audience in a cohesive and interpretable manner. Visualizations are an excellent method to summarize information and report analysis and conclusions in a compelling format. This course introduces the theory and applications of data visualization. Students will learn about theory of cognition and perception in order to understand how humans process and synthesize information in a visual medium, while also developing techniques and methods for generating rich, informative, and interactive visualizations for both data exploration and explanation. These techniques will be developed using software implementations in R.


Students are expected to have prior programming experience; this is not an introductory programming course and students without this experience will have significant difficulties keeping up with the material. Experience could come from completion of MACS 30500 - Computing for the Social Sciences, an alternative course on programming at UChicago or undergrad, or self-taught experience using R. Students should also be familiar with the Git version tracking system and be comfortable with the Git workflow (commit, push, pull, merge, etc.). Finally, some basic experience with probability/statistical theory (especially regression analysis) will be helpful, though not required.


Assignment Points
Visualization critique 10
Visualization experiment 20
Interactive visualization 20
Geospatial/network/text visualization 10
Final project 30
Participation 10
Total Points 100

Disability services

If you need any special accommodations, please provide us with a copy of your Accommodation Determination Letter (provided to you by the Student Disability Services office) as soon as possible so that you may discuss with me how your accommodations may be implemented in this course.


Readings for the course will come primarily from the following books, as well as an assortment of journal articles:

I recommend you purchase a copy of TA. R4DS is available for free online, however you can also purchase a hard-copy if you prefer that medium. TA and FA are also available as ebooks through the UChicago library (follow the links above, authentication required).

Course schedule

# Date Topic A Topic B Due dates
1. Mar. 27 Introduction to data visualization Principles of data visualization
2. Apr. 3 Design and evaluation Grammar of graphics and ggplot2
3. Apr. 10 Science, art, or somewhere inbetween More ggplot2 Viz critique
4. Apr. 17 Graphical perception and cognition Design a visualization experiment
5. Apr. 24 Rules of thumb Visualizing scientific results
6. May 1 Interactivity And more interactivity Viz experiment
7. May 8 And even more interactivity Information dashboards
8. May 15 And even more interactivity Network visualization
9. May 22 Geospatial visualization Text visualization Interactive graphics
10. May 29 Present final project Geospatial/network/text viz
June 3 Submit final project

References and Readings

All readings are required unless otherwise noted. Adjustments can be made throughout the quarter; be sure to check this repository frequently to make sure you know all the assigned readings.

  1. Introduction to data visualization/Principles of data visualization
    • TA Ch 1, 2, 5
  2. Design and evaluation/Grammar of graphics and ggplot2
  3. Science, art, or somewhere inbetween/Exploratory data analysis
  4. Graphical perception and cognition
  5. Rules of thumb/Visualizing scientific results
  6. Interactivity
  7. Interactivity/information dashboards
  8. Information dashboards/Network visualization
  9. Geospatial visualization/text visualization
  10. Final project presentations