ucagenomix / sicelore-2.1

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SiCeLoRe (Single Cell Long Read) is a suite of tools dedicated to cell or spatial barcode and unique molecular identifier (UMI) assignment of highly multiplexed single cell or Spatial (Visium) Nanopore long read sequencing dataset. This repository is the release 2.1 of the initial project SiCeLoRe, now with short-read free analysis compatible with 10x Genomics Visium and single-cell 3' and 5' protocols.

If you use SiCeLoRe in your work, please cite:

Lebrigand K, Waldmann R et al. (2020). High throughput error corrected Nanopore single cell transcriptome sequencing. Nature Communication 11, 4025. [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17800-6]


just copy files.



Step 1 - Read stranding, barcode assignment to reads

Step 2 - Mapping against reference genome

Step 3 - UMI assignment to Nanopore SAM records

Step 4 - Generate cell/spatialBC x Gene-/Isoform-/Junction-level matrices

Step 5 (optional) - Single Nucleotide Variant calling cell by cell

Step 6 (optional) - Fusion transcripts detection cell by cell

Step 7 (optional) - Novel isoform discovery

Step 8 - Data statistical analysis


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Quick run analysis

We provide test data as a subsampling of reads (92k) for the Homo sapiens (hg38) Myl6 locus of an unpublished internal dataset (4.852 cells).

Note that quickrun-2.1.sh script should takes 3 mn to run, output files are located in ./outputdir directory (Step 4 option a) while quickrun-2.1.step4b.sh script should takes 7 mn to run, output files are located in ./outputdir_4b directory (Step 4 option b).

git clone https://github.com/ucagenomix/sicelore-2.1.git
cd sicelore-2.1
chmod +x quickrun-2.1.sh quickrun-2.1.step4b.sh
dos2unix quickrun-2.1.sh quickrun-2.1.step4b.sh
export JAVA_HOME=<path to Java>
export PATH=$PATH:<minimap2path>:<samtoolspath>

In case Nextflow is installed on your system

git clone https://github.com/ucagenomix/sicelore-2.1.git
cd sicelore-2.1
nextflow run sicelore-nf/main.nf -profile conda

You need to optimize max_cpus, max_memory and javaXmx parameters according to your system configuration

Step 1 - Scan Nanopore reads - assign cell barcodes.

1) Scans for chimeric cDNA generated during library preparation and splits chimeric reads . Reads that contain two adjacent internal (>200 nt from end) polyA/T sequences flanked by an adapter (pAad), one internal pAad with adjacent TSO or two adjacent TSOs are split into separate reads.

2) Scans the Nanopore fastq reads for poly(A/T) and adapter sequence and generates stranded (forward) reads for reads with found polyA and adapter.

Scans by default for >= 15 nt. polyA (or T) with >= 75% As within 100 nt from both ends of the read. If poly(A) was found, searches for a 10xGenomics adapter sequence downstream of the poly(A).

Scan for polyA is optional and can be skipped (--noPolyARequired option) for samples that don't have polyA tails (e.g. RACE PCR combined with 5' barcoding). Splitting of chimeric transcripts is skipped when no polyA is searched.

Assigns cell barcodes: First, a list of used barcodes is generated. The software only uses high quality reads during the first pass. A list of all possible 10xGenomics barcodes (e.g. 3M-february-2018.txt.gz from Cellranger) should be specified to guide the definition of used barcodes. If Illumina data are available the file with the list of used barcodes can be supplied (--cellRangerBCs < path to file >) -> the first pass will be skipped and the supplied barcode list will be used.

In a second pass the software assigns the cell barcodes. With the current read qualities a maximal edit distance of one is largely sufficient (--bcEditDistance 1). Barcode assignment accuracy is typically > 99.9% for edit distance 1, edit distance 2 yields about 5 - 10% more barcode assigned reads but the tradeoff is a lower assignment accuracy.

Adds various info to the read name: cell barcode, adapter and polyA position ....

When strandedness of read can be determined (adapter and polyA[if opted for] were found) the barcode assigned read is written stranded (forward) into a "pass" folder. Failed reads are written unstranded into a "failed" folder.

Scan of 100M reads takes about 80 min on the 96 core Promethion. In our experience running it does not interfere with ongoing sequencing runs. When started in parallel with sequencing runs we use nice -n +10 to decrease priority and allow a max of 64G of RAM ( -Xmx64G)

Use the reads in the "pass" folder to proceed

Generates a html file with stats.

Required files


java -jar -Xmx40g <path>/NanoporeBC_UMI_finder.jar scanfastq -d <directory to start recursive search for fastq files> -o outPutDirectory --bcEditDistance 1


Input: fastq files or gzipped fastq files. Use directly the fastq files generated by the Nanopore sequencer, don't merge them into a single fastq file. The software reads the fastqs highly parallelized - multiple fastqs are processed much faster than a single fastq. If compressed files are used they need to be individually compressed - no tar gz archive. Multiple input directories must be seperated by ","

RAM: -Xmx40g is usually sufficient. If you have more RAM allocate more.

Typically just provide the path to the fastq_pass folder of the sequencing data




edit distance for barcode assignment. --bcEditDistance 1 is a good tradeoff between efficiency and specifity (typically >99.9%). Specifity can be estimated by re-running the program with the -e option where the read bc sequence gets replaced by a random sequence and comparing the number of barcode assigned reads.


<,> separated list of directories to start file search. starting at this directory, takes recursively (if --nonrecursive is not set) fastq files with names that match the RegEx pattern provided in <-–pattern> option, defaults to files ending with .fastq or fastq.gz. Regex: "".{1,}\.fastq(\.gz)?"

Gzipped fastq files are also o.k.


path to output directory



If Illumina data are available a tsv file with cell barcodes (e.g. from Cellranger) can be provided.

When provided the software won't define the used cell barcodes, it assigns to one of the barcodes in the provided list.

If this list of barcodes is not provided, the software uses the 10xgenomics list of all possible barcodes (e.g. 3M-february-2018.txt.gz from Cellranger (gz compressed is o.k.) and defines the used barcodes. The name of the file with all possible must be in the config.xml :\<fileWithAllPossibleTenXbarcodes>3M-february-2018.txt.gz\</fileWithAllPossibleTenXbarcodes>. The file has to be in the application root directory.

If neither file is provided (e.g. systems other than 10xGenomics), the software assigns barcodes without any guidance (still experimental).

-h,--fivePbc (no arguments)

Set this flag if 5' barcoding was used.

Important: Set the correct \ in the config.xml

Current 3' barcoding kits use 3M barcode set:


5' barcoding might still use the 737K set


If the efficiency of barcode assignment is low, check whether a wrong whitelist was used.


No arguments. Set this flag only for targeted sequencing by RACE PCR when 5' barcoding was used. RACE PCR products won't have a polyA if 5' barcoding was used. Don't set it for 3' barcoding.

Chimeric reads currently won't be split if this option is set


compress fastq output files.


RegEx pattern for fastq input files , Defaults to patttern matching files ending with .fastq or .fastq.gz: ".{1,}\.fastq(\.gz)?"

-e,--randomBarcode (no arguments)

Performs a random Barcode Simulation. For accuracy testing. When set barcode sequences are replaced by random sequences during barcode assignment. No argument.


window to search for AT, defaults to 150. Default can be modified: of config.xml


min length of polyA. Defaults to the value provided in \<polyATlength> of the config.xml


Min fraction of A or Ts in polyA or polyT tail respectively. Defaults to 0.75 , \<fractionATInPolyAT> in config.xml


path to log file, defaults to terminal.


if set searches for fastq files only in specified folder(s), ignores subdirectories. No argument.


Examples of read name extensions:


FWD: read was forward

PS=566: polyA start in stranded read

PE=590: polyA end in stranded read

AE=619: Adapter end

bc=TCCGATCGTGCCAAGA assigned barcode sequence

ed=0: Levenshtein distance of barcode

ed_sec=2147483647: Levenshtein distance of secondary barcode match, INTMAX(2147483647) means none found

bcStart=618 :barcode start

bcEnd=603 :barcode end

rk=2987 ;rank of this barcode . Rank 1 is barcode with highest number of reads

X=AAAAAAAAAAAATGGCGTGTATTGTCTTGGCACGATCGGAAGA contains 3 bases of adapter at 3' end + upstream sequences

Q=27.1 : mean quality of the sequence in X=


sp2 indicates this is the second read obtained after splitting the initial chimeric read

Options in config.xml

<--reads below this length will be discarded-->

<!--Levenshtein distance (ED) with which to merge barcodes when creating list of used barcodes
If BC a has an ED from BC b equal or less this value and minCountFold x less reads it will be merge
to Barcode b and not added to the list of used barcodes if not provided or null will be set to barcode
edit distance providid in the command line should be null or at least as big as the ED for barcode search-->

<!--Minimal fold more counts in BC a than in BC b to merge b into a during generation of list of used barcodes-->

<!--Minimal mean BC qv to consider barcode for barcode list-->

<!--Minimal mean Read qv to consider barcode for barcode list-->

<!--Minimal consecutive 3p adapter matches to consider barcode for barcode list-->

<!--cell barcodes with read counts this fold below the max reads for a cell won't be assigned-->

<!--search for barcode at position predicted from adapter finding +/- this value-->

<!--File with all possible 10x barcodes, one BC per line, can contain -1 after the BC sequence , can be gz compressed , SHOULD BE IN APPLICATION ROOT DIRECTORY-->

Prefixes in Read names:
<!--Prefix before polyA position, first A after cDNA -->

<!--Prefix before polyA position, last A after cDNA -->

<!--Prefix before Adapter position, last adapter base before cellBC -->

<!--Prefix before TSO position in read, last TSO base before cDNA-->

<!--Prefix before seq is between last adapter base and 42 bases further  downstream sequence is forward on stranded read-->

<!--Prefix before mean qv -->

<!--number of bases of adapter (the one b4 the BC) to include into the read sequence (adapter end, bc, umi, start of polyA) in readname-->

Step 2 - Mapping

Map the reads from the pass folder generated in the barcode assignment step against the reference genome.

We typically use minimap2.

UMI assignment requires sorted bam files. When you split files to start multiple UMI assignment jobs keep genomic regions together (e.g. split by chromosome)

minimap2 -ax splice -uf --sam-hit-only -t 20 $BUILD.mmi fastq_pass.fastq.gz | samtools view -bS -@ 20 - | samtools sort -m 2G -@ 20 -o passed.bam -&& samtools index passed.bam

Step 3 - UMI assignment

-Searches for UMIs in Nanopore BAM files.

-Gets sequence info and adapter, polyA position from the info added to the read name during Nanopore read scan.

Groups and assigns UMIs by clustering.


Uses a clustering approach that does not require Illumina data. UMI read sequences for each cell that match to the same genomic region (default within 500 nt, in config.xml) are clustered with an ED limit of two.

For each cluster the assigned UMI is:

a) if two reads were found for the UMI, the UMI sequence with the highest read quality defines the UMI sequence for the cluster.

b) if > 2 reads were found for the UMI the center of the cluster (least square sum distance from others) is assigned as the UMI

c) The reads for which the UMIs don't cluster with any other UMI for the same genomic region at ed <=2 are considered as UMIs backed by just one read. -> the read sequence is assigned as UMI.


The input bam file must be sorted. if you use separate jobs, don't split records that correspond to the same genomic region over several batches For clustering, all reads corresponding to the same genomic region must be treated in the same batch. If you split the reads for mapping, merge the Bam files, sort them and then split them again (e.g. one bam per chromosome).

For UMI clustering, records corresponding to the same genomic region must be kept in RAM. The number of records treated in each batch can be defined in the config.xml (\<sam_records_chunk_size>). A rather big chunk size is important for targeted sequencing where a big fraction of the records match the same genomic region and should be kept together.

RAM requirement: 1 - 2 GB of RAM per 10,000 records kept in RAM for clustering. Default chunk size is 250,000 (). About 40G of RAM are sufficient. If less than 40G of RAM are available decrease this value. If you have more RAM available, increase in config.xml. We were running the software mostly directly on the machine that pilots the Promethion (384 Gb RAM, 96 cores) in just one batch. We used a chunk size of 1 million. Generally just allow almost all the RAM you have available. Adjust the JVM -Xmx option accordingly.

Bam output file

Cell barcodes are in the BC tag, UMI sequence is in U8 tag in the output BAM file specified in the -o option,

The tags can be customized in the config.xml.

Info on barcode and UMI edit distances and other info is written to various tags. See "config.xml" for more details and customization.

Required files

If no config file is found in the current path (working directory) , the software takes the config files from the directory where the application (jar) is. Path to the config file can be provided on the command line (-c,--config).


java -jar -Xmx40g NanoporeBC_UMI_finder.jar assignumis --inFileNanopore <Nanopore Bam> --outfile <cell bc and UMI assigned output bam file>

Not all of the options in the config.xml are currently used. Some options are for Illlumina guided assignment.

Structure of the config file is currently being revised.

Command line arguments (some override defaults in config xml).


Nanopore input BAM file.

Output bam file.

Optional (some defaults can be modified in config xml)

Set this flag when 5' barcoding was used. Software default is 3' barcoding.

path to refflat or GTF file. Name has to end with ".refFlat" , ".refflat" or ".gtf". Can be compressed, ".bz2" or ".gz" file name extension. If supplied will generate a cell/gene umi count table and add the GE tag to SAM record. Uses the “TagReadWithGeneExonFunction” from the DropSeq package (https://github.com/broadinstitute/Drop-seq ).

path to config.xml. By default tests current path (working directory) , if not found, the software takes the config files from the directory where the application (jar) is.

If not provided will create a default log with same name as outfile with “.log” appended in folder where output bam goes.

For benchmarking. performs random Barcode or UMI Simulation. If a previously scanned and BC and UMI annotated file (the file with all entries not just the entries with found BC/UMIs) is rescanned with this option the max edit distance is the ED of the previously found match if any. Provide the barcode and UMI assigned BAM file (the file with all sam entries not just the BC/UMI assigned) as input BAM for the random barcode or umi scan (retrieves edit sdistance info for found BCs and UMIs there).

2 char SAM attribute for gene name in Nanopore SAM. Default: GE (config.xml)

displays list of option.

SAM tags in output file

SAM tags in output bam can be modified in the config xml. If entry for tag is commented out in XML it won’t be printed.

By default cell barcode is in BC tag (\<CELL_BC>) in config.xml. UMI is in U8 (\<UMI_sequence>) tag.

Other info is added to the following tags by default:

Infos from read scan:

positions are 1-based, in <> the tag in config.xml is shown where it can be customized.

RE Read was reverse complemented (read scan)

PS polyA start

PE polyA end

AE Adapter end facing cell BC

TE 3' end of TSO

BU BC sequence from readscan

BV start of cellBC

BE end of cellBC

BW BC edit distance read scan

BX ED of second best readscan BC match

BH Rank of cell barcode (higher rank-> lower read number)

Umi Finding

UC if set indicates that UMI is from clustering

UZ UMI is just the post BC read sequence

U1 UMI edit distance (mutation cycles)

U2 UMI edit distance (mutation cycles) of second best match (if any)

UB UMI start (1 based)

UE UMI end (one based)

U8 UMI sequence

U7 UMI read sequence

Step 4 - Generate cell or spatial barcode x Gene-/Isoform-/Junction-level matrices

This step can be done at the read level (barcode/UMI assigned bam file) but if subsequent SNV calling is required it is preferable to do this for molecules (UMIs) after consensus calling as described in option b below (option b).


INPUT= (required): cell / spatial barcode (BC tag) and UMI (U8 tag) assigned bam file with the gene name in the GE tag (Typically passedParsed.bam from Step 3) SAMrecords lacking any of those 3 required fields are not analyzed.

MINUMI= (required): Minimal number of UMIs associated with a spatial or cell barcode required to call barcode as valid (default=1)

ED0ED1RATIO= (required): Ratio of the spatial / cell barcode reads assigned with edit distance 0 (ED0) versus assigned with edit distance 1 (ED1) to call the spatial / cell barcode as valid (default=1). Typically we expect much more reads in a cell having ED0 than ED1.


O=: .csv file with valid barcodes

java -jar -Xmx32g Jar/Sicelore-2.1.jar SelectValidCellBarcode I=BarcodesAssigned.tsv O=ValidBarcodes.csv MINUMI=1 ED0ED1RATIO=1

Option (a) - Generate quantification matrices directly from barcoded long-reads

SAM records matching known genes are grouped by UMI and analyzed for matching Gencode transcripts. SAM records with extensive non-matching sequences at either end, hard- or soft clipping are discarded (MAXCLIP parameter, defaults to > 150 nt ). Assign a UMI to a Gencode transcript when the SAM record reflects the full exon-exon junction layout authorizing a DELTA (default 2) bases margin of added or lacking sequences at exon boundaries, to allow for indels at exon junctions and imprecise mapping by Minimap2. For each UMI, all its reads are analyzed and the UMI is assigned to the Gencode transcript supported by the majority of the reads.

If an equal number of reads supports two different Gencode transcript, the UMI is considered as ambiguous and randomly assigned to one of the top scoring isoforms (AMBIGUOUS_ASSIGN=true) or not assigned to an isoform (default mode, AMBIGUOUS_ASSIGN=false).


INPUT= (required): cell / spatial barcode (BC tag) and UMI (U8 tag) assigned bam file with the gene mame in the GE tag (Typically passedParsed.bam from Step 3) SAMrecords lacking any of those 3 required fields are not analyzed.

CSV= (required): .csv file listing, one per line, the barcodes that need to be quantified (ValidBarcodes.csv from Step 4)

REFFLAT= (required): Can be generated based on Gencode GTF file for genome build used for mapping with gtfToGenePred from Gencode

wget https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_38/gencode.v38.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf.gz
gunzip gencode.v38.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf.gz
gtfToGenePred -genePredExt -geneNameAsName2 gencode.v38.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf gencode.v38.primary_assembly.annotation.refflat.txt
paste <(cut -f 12 gencode.v38.primary_assembly.annotation.refflat.txt) <(cut -f 1-10 gencode.v38.primary_assembly.annotation.refflat.txt) > gencode.v38.refFlat

OUTDIR= (required): Output directory where output files are created

PREFIX= (required): prefix used for output file names

DELTA=: the number of extra or lacking bases allowed at exon-exon junctions (default = 2)

MAXCLIP=: Maximum number of excessive non-matching sequences at either end (hard- or soft clipping). If exceeded, the read is defined as chimeric and discarded (default = 150)

GENETAG=: Gene name tag (default = GE)

UMITAG=: UMI sequence tag (default = U8)

CELLTAG=: Cell barcode tag (default = BC)

METHOD=: STRICT full exon-exon structure required for assignation (default mode)

AMBIGUOUS_ASSIGN=: Whether or not to assign an UMI that has 2 or more matching transcript model (default=false)

MAPQV0=: Wether or not to keep mapqv=0 SAM records (default=false)

ISOBAM=: Wether or not to add a flag (IT) with the transcriptID to the BAM file (default=false)


PREFIX_cellmetrics.txt: cell by cell metrics (cellBC, nbReads, nbUmis, nbIsoformSet, nbIsoformNotSet).

PREFIX_genemetrics.txt: gene by gene metrics (geneId, nbUmis, nbIsoformSet, nbIsoformNotSet)

PREFIX_isometrics.txt: isoform by isoform metrics (geneId, transcriptId, nbExons, nbUmis)

PREFIX_juncmetrics.txt: exon-exon junction by junction metrics (junctionId, nbUmis)

PREFIX_genematrix.txt: gene level [geneId x cellBC] count matrix

PREFIX_isomatrix.txt: isoform level [transcriptId x cellBC] count matrix

PREFIX_juncmatrix.txt: junction level [junctionId x cellBC] count matrix

PREFIX_molinfos.txt: molecule per molecules information (cellBC, UMI, nbReads, nbSupportingReads, mappingPctId, snpPhredScore, geneId, transcriptId)

PREFIX.log: Log file

PREFIX.html: Html report file

PREFIX_isobam.bam: Isobam file

java -jar -Xmx64g Sicelore-2.1.jar IsoformMatrix I=passedParsed.bam GENETAG=GE UMITAG=U8 CELLTAG=BC REFFLAT=gencode.v38.refFlat CSV=barcodes.csv DELTA=2 MAXCLIP=150 METHOD=STRICT AMBIGUOUS_ASSIGN=false OUTDIR=. PREFIX=sicelore

Option (b) - Generates quantification matrices from UMI consensus sequences

If you run option (a) PREFIX_molinfos.txt files gives you the information whether your UMIs are mostly sequenced several times (number of reads per molecules high), The html report of the UMI assignment step also contains info on the UMI sequencing depth.

For SNV calling you might want to perform the same analysis based on consensus sequence per UMI (error corrected Nanopore reads).

4.b.1) Add read sequence and QV into barcoded long-reads bam file

This step adds the read sequence and QVs as SAM tags into the passedParsed.bam from Step 3.


-b,--inBam: Bam file to be tagged with read and QV

-f,--inFastq: fastq with all reads and QVs in one file

-o,--outBam: output Bam

-r,--readTag: two character tag for read sequence, defaults to US

-q,--qvTag: two character tag for quality values, defaults to QS

java -jar -Xmx64g NanoporeBC_UMI_finder.jar tagbamwithread --inFastq <passed.fastq.gz> --inBam passedParsed.bam --outBam passedParsedWithSequences.bam --readTag US --qvTag QS

4.b.2) Generate consensus sequences

First step is loading the molecules, the cDNA sequence is defined as [tsoEnd(TE tag) ... umiEnd(UE tag)] for consensus sequence computation. Briefly, each molecule is processed as follows depending the number of reads the molecule has: (i) just one read per molecule (UMI), the consensus sequence is set to the read sequence; (ii) 2 reads per molecule, the consensus sequence is set as the cDNA sequence of the best mapping read according to the "de" minimap2 SAMrecord tag value; (iii) More than two reads per molecule, a consensus sequence is comppute using spoa multiple alignment using a set of reads for the molecule. By default the top MAXREADS (default=20) reads having the lowest divergence to the reference ("de" minimap2 SAMrecord tag value) are taken for consensus calling. The speed of consensus sequence computation is dependent of the sequencing depth which induce a low/high number of multi-reads molecules for which a consensus sequence is computed. In a standard whole transcriptome experiment having roughly 50% of the molecules having more than 2 reads the speed is about 600k UMIs/hour on a 20 core compute node using 20 threads. For time calculation optimization, this step could be parallelized, for instance on a per chromosome basis, and dispense on a calcul cluster. SPOA executable needs to be in your PATH variable.

splitting bam by chromosomes

@jobs = ('1','2','X','MT','3','4',..all chromosomes..);
for($i=0; $i<@jobs; $i++){
    samtools view -Sb passedParsedWithSequences.bam ".$jobs[$i]." -o chr".$jobs[$i].".bam
    samtools index chr".$jobs[$i].".bam

Use ComputeConsensus pipeline (Sicelore-2.1.jar)


INPUT= (required): Typically passedParsedWithSequences.bam from Step 4.b.1 or chromosome bam file one by one. SAMrecords lacking BC/U8 or GE SAM tags are discarded from further analysis.

OUTPUT= (required): Consensus sequence in fastq format for all molecules detected. Name of each molecules set to CellBC(BC), UMIs(U8) and read number RN) ">BC-UMI-RN"

GENETAG=: Gene name tag (default = GE)

UMITAG=: UMI sequence tag (default = U8)

CELLTAG=: Cell tag (default = BC)

MAXCLIP=: Maximum number of extensive non-matching sequences at either end, hard- or soft clipping to call the read as chimeric and discards it (default = 150)

MAPQV0=: Wether or not to keep mapqv=0 SAM records (default=false)

THREADS=,T=: Number of threads for multi-threading (typically number of cores of compute node)

MAXREADS=,: Maximum number of reads per UMI to use for consensus sequence calling (default=20)

TMPDIR=: Full path to temporary directory

example below is for chromosome 1, repeat for all chromosomes

java -jar -Xmx32g Sicelore-2.1.jar ComputeConsensus I=chr1.bam O=molecules.chr1.fastq T=20 TMPDIR=/scracth/tmp/

4.b.3) Mapping of molecules consensus sequences to the reference genome using minimap2

If ComputeConsensus step has been split per chromosome, we need to deduplicate molecules from genes having multiple copies on different chromosomes (i.e. pseudogenes case). First we need to concatenate all chromosomes fastq files then use DeduplicateMolecule pipeline (Sicelore-2.1.jar)

cat */molecules.chr*.fastq > molecules.fastq
java -jar -Xmx32g Sicelore-2.1.jar DeduplicateMolecule I=molecules.fastq O=deduplicate.fastq

Molecule consensus sequences can then be mapped to the reference genome to generate a molecules.bam file for further analysis.

minimap2 -ax splice -uf --sam-hit-only -t 20 --junc-bed junctions.bed $BUILD.mmi deduplicate.fastq > molecules.sam
samtools view -Sb molecules.sam -o unsorted.bam
samtools sort unsorted.bam -o molecules.bam
samtools index molecules.bam

4.b.4) Tag molecule SAM records with gene names, cell barcodes, UMI sequence and reads number

Use AddGeneNameTag pipeline (Sicelore-2.1.jar)

Add gene name tag (GE) to molecules SAM records

java -jar -Xmx32g Sicelore-2.1.jar AddGeneNameTag I=molecules.bam O=molecules.GE.bam REFFLAT=refFlat.txt TAG=GE ALLOW_MULTI_GENE_READS=true USE_STRAND_INFO=true VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT
samtools index molecules.GE.bam

Then use AddBamMoleculeTags pipeline (Sicelore-2.1.jar)

Add CellBC (BC), UMIs (U8) and read number (RN) tags from molecule read name to molecules SAM records

java -jar -Xmx32g Sicelore-2.1.jar AddBamMoleculeTags I=molecules.GE.bam O=molecules.GE.tags.bam
samtools index molecules.GE.tags.bam

4.b.5) Generate cell or spatial barcode x Gene-/Isoform-/Junction-level matrices


INPUT= (required): molecules.GE.tags.bam

CSV= (required): .csv file listing, one per line, the barcodes that need to be quantified (ValidBarcodes.csv from Step 4)

REFFLAT= (required): Can be generated base on Gencode GTF file for genome build used for mapping with gtfToGenePred from Gencode

OUTDIR= (required): Output directory where output files are created

PREFIX= (required): prefix used for output file names

DELTA=: the number of extra or lacking bases allowed at exon-exon junctions (default = 2)

MAXCLIP=: Maximum number of extensive non-matching sequences at either end, hard- or soft clipping to call the read as chimeric and discards it (default = 150)

GENETAG=: Gene name tag (default = GE)

UMITAG=: UMI sequence tag (default = U8)

CELLTAG=: Cell tag (default = BC)

METHOD=: STRICT full exon-exon structure required for assignation (default mode)

AMBIGUOUS_ASSIGN=: Only active for SCORE mode, whether or not to assign an UMI that has 2 or more matching transcript model (default=false)

MAPQV0=: Wether or not to keep mapqv=0 SAM records (default=false)

ISOBAM=: Wether or not to output a BAM file containg a flag (IT) with the transcriptID called during this process (default=false)

Output files

PREFIX_cellmetrics.txt: cell by cell metrics (cellBC, nbReads, nbUmis, nbIsoformSet, nbIsoformNotSet).

PREFIX_genemetrics.txt: gene by gene metrics (geneId, nbUmis, nbIsoformSet, nbIsoformNotSet)

PREFIX_isometrics.txt: isoform by isoform metrics (geneId, transcriptId, nbExons, nbUmis)

PREFIX_juncmetrics.txt: exon-exon junction by junction metrics (junctionId, nbUmis)

PREFIX_genematrix.txt: gene level [geneId x cellBC] count matrix

PREFIX_isomatrix.txt: isoform level [transcriptId x cellBC] count matrix

PREFIX_juncmatrix.txt: junction level [junctionId x cellBC] count matrix

PREFIX_molinfos.txt: molecule per molecules information (cellBC, UMI, nbReads, nbSupportingReads, mappingPctId, snpPhredScore, geneId, transcriptId)

PREFIX.log: Log file

PREFIX.html: Html report file

PREFIX_isobam.bam: Isobam file

java -jar -Xmx64g Sicelore-2.1.jar IsoformMatrix I=molecules.GE.tags.bam GENETAG=GE UMITAG=U8 CELLTAG=BC REFFLAT=refFlat.txt CSV=ValidBarcodes.csv DELTA=2 MAXCLIP=150 METHOD=STRICT AMBIGUOUS_ASSIGN=false OUTDIR=. PREFIX=sicelore

Step 5 - Single Nucleotide Variant calling cell by cell

Use SNPMatrix pipeline (Sicelore-2.1.jar)

Consensus sequence show higher sequence accuracy than raw nanopore reads and we can now call SNPs using the generated molecules bam file (molecules.GE.tags.bam)


INPUT= (required): Molecules bam file (molecules.GE.tags.bam from step 4.b.5)

CSV= (required): .csv file listing, one per line, the barcodes that need to be quantified (ValidBarcodes.csv from Step 4)

SNP= (required): SNPs descriptor comma-separated .csv file, 1-position or x-positions per line as follow:

chr3,80692286,-,Gria2_RG                   // SNP call at one position
chr3,80706912,-,Gria2_QR                   // SNP call at one position
chr3,80692286|80706912,-,Gria2_RGQR        // SNP association call at 2-positions ("|" separator, no limit on number of positions)

MINRN (required): Minimum read number to keep the molecule for SNP calling (default=0, means all)

MINQV (required): Minimum QV score at position to keep the molecule for SNP calling (default=0, means all)

OUTPUT= (required): Output directory.

PREFIX: Prefix for _matrix.txt/_metrics.txt/_molinfos.txt tab-delimited output text files

java -jar -Xmx32g sicelore-2.1.jar SNPMatrix I=molecules.GE.tags.bam MINRN=0 MINQV=0 CSV=ValidBarcodes.csv SNP=snps.csv O=. PREFIX=snp

Output files

PREFIX_matrix.txt: [Cell] x [SNP position - base] matrix molecule count.

PREFIX_metrics.txt: Total number of molecules per SNP position - base observed in dataset

PREFIX_molinfos.txt: Per molecule per SNP position information

Step 6 - Fusion transcripts detection cell by cell

Use ExportClippedReads and FusionDetector pipelines (Sicelore-2.1.jar)

First step is exporting hard and soft clipped reads from dataset. A fusion transcript should map the genome in more than one unique location so ti gives two differents minimap2 SAM records each including a portion of starting or ending clipping. Those reads might also comes from chimeric molecules produced during amplification step (i.e. PCR artefacts). Those PCR artefacts are arising mainly between transcripts having a high sequence similarity and might preferentially happens within highly expressed genes.

ExportClippedReads pipeline (Sicelore-2.1.jar)

INPUT= (required): Barcodes associsated long reads bam file with sequence passedParsedWithSequences.bam from Step 4.b.1

OUTPUT=,O= (required): Output fastq file of clipped molecules.

MINCLIP: Hard or Soft Clipping size to call as clipped read (default=150)

GENETAG=: Gene name tag (default = GE)

UMITAG=: UMI sequence tag (default = U8)

CELLTAG=: Cell tag (default = BC)

USTAG=: Read sequence (default=US)

QSTAG=: Read QV (default=QS)

java -jar -Xmx32g sicelore-2.1.jar ExportClippedReads I=passedParsedWithSequences.bam O=clipped_reads.fastq

FusionDetector pipeline (Sicelore-2.1.jar)

INPUT= (required): clipped_reads.tags.US.bam

CSV= (required): .csv file listing, one per line, the barcodes that need to be quantified (ValidBarcodes.csv from Step 4)

OUTPUT=,O= (required): Output directory

PREFIX: Prefix for _matrix.txt, _metrics.txt and _molinfos.txt tab-delimited output text files


PREFIX_matrix.txt: Cell Barcode / fusion transcript matrix molecule counts

PREFIX_metrics.txt: Total number of molecules per fusion transcripts detected in dataset

PREFIX_molinfos.txt: per molecules (UMI/BC) fusion information

# Minimap2 clipped reads mapping
minimap2 -ax splice <b>-k13</b> -t 20 $BUILD.mmi clipped_reads.fastq > clipped_reads.sam
samtools view -Sb clipped_reads.sam -o unsorted.bam
samtools sort unsorted.bam -o clipped_reads.bam
samtools index clipped_reads.bam

# add GE/BC/U8 SAM tags to SAM records
java -jar -Xmx32g sicelore-2.1.jar AddBamReadTags I=clipped_reads.bam O=clipped_reads.tags.bam
samtools index clipped_reads.tags.bam

# add read sequence and QV values to Nanopore SAM records
java -jar -Xmx32g sicelore-2.1.jar AddBamReadSequenceTag I=clipped_reads.tags.bam O=clipped_reads.tags.US.bam FASTQ=clipped_reads.fastq
samtools index clipped_reads.tags.US.bam

# fusion detector pipeline
java -jar -Xmx32g sicelore-2.1.jar FusionDetector I=clipped_reads.tags.US.bam O=. PREFIX=fusion CSV=ValidBarcodes.csv

Step 7 - Novel isoform discovery

Use CollaspeModel pipeline (Sicelore-2.1.jar)

SAM records are grouped per barcode and UMI by transcript isoform based on exon makeup considering only UMI supported by RNMIN (default=1) reads. Transcripts isoforms showing an exon structure supported by less than MINEVIDENCE (default=5) UMIs are filtered out. Transcripts isoforms detected as potential 3p and /or 5p degradated sequence of Gencode reference transcripts or longer potential novels transcripts isoforms are filtered out. The set of novel isoforms are then validated using CAGE / SHORT / POLYA files if provided. Novel isoform is classify as valid if:

(i) all exon-exon junctions either described in Gencode or confirmed in an external short read data given as STAR aligned bam file by at least juncCo reads;

(ii) a 5’ start within cageCo nucleotides of a transcription start site identified by CAGE peaks given as .bed file;

(iii) a 3’ end within polyaCo nucleotides of a polyadenylation site given as .bed file.


INPUT= (required): Isobam file produced by IsoformMatrix pipeline using ISOBAM=true

CSV= (required): .csv file listing, one per line, the barcodes that need to be quantified (ValidBarcodes.csv from Step 4)

REFFLAT= (required): Can be generated base on Gencode GTF file for genome build used for mapping with gtfToGenePred from Gencode

OUTDIR: Output directory where output files are created

PREFIX= (required): prefix used for output file names (default=CollapseModel)

DELTA= (required): Number of extra or lacking bases allowed at exon-exon junctions (default = 2)

MINEVIDENCE= (required): Minimum number of UMIs supporting the potential novel isoform to keep it in set (default = 5)

RNMIN= (required): Minimum number of reads supporting the UMI to consider the UMI in novel isoform detection (default = 1)

CELLTAG=: Cell tag (default = BC)

UMITAG=: UMI sequence tag (default = U8)

GENETAG=: Gene name tag (default = GE)

ISOFORMTAG=: Gene name tag (default = IT)

RNTAG=: Read number tag (default=RN)

SHORT=: The short read SAM or BAM file (STAR aligned external ressource)

CAGE=: CAGE peaks file (.bed) (external ressource)

POLYA=: POLYA sites file (.bed) (external ressource)

cageCo=: CAGE validation cutoff (default = 50 bases)

polyaCo=: PolyA validation cutoff (default = 50 bases)

juncCo=: Junction validation cutoff (default = 1 read)


PREFIX.d'DELTA'.rn'RNMIN'.e'MINEVIDENCE'.txt: Gencode and novel isoforms detected classification .txt file

PREFIX.d'DELTA'.rn'RNMIN'.e'MINEVIDENCE'.gff: Gencode and all novel isoforms .gff file

PREFIX.d'DELTA'.rn'RNMIN'.e'MINEVIDENCE'.final.gff: Gencode and all validated novel isoforms .gff file

PREFIX.d'DELTA'.rn'RNMIN'.e'MINEVIDENCE'.refflat.txt: Gencode and all novel isoforms .refflat file

PREFIX.d'DELTA'.rn'RNMIN'.e'MINEVIDENCE'.final.refflat.txt: Gencode and all validated novel isoforms .refflat file (can be used for IsoformMatrix Sicelore pipeline quantification)

PREFIX.d'DELTA'.rn'RNMIN'.e'MINEVIDENCE'.fas: Representative sequence fasta file, poa/racon consensus sequence using top 20 best qualities UMIs (based on "de" minimap2 tag value)

java -jar -Xmx64g sicelore-2.1.jar CollapseModel I=isobam.bam CSV=ValidBarcodes.csv REFFLAT=refFlat.txt O=. PREFIX=CollapseModel MINEVIDENCE=5 DELTA=2 RNMIN=1 SHORT=illumina.shortread.staraligned.bam CAGE=Fantom5.cage_peaks.bed POLYA=gencode.v38.polyAs.bed

Step 8 - Data statistical analysis

We provide two R scripts github repositories for statistical data analysis of Sicelore isoform-level matrices

Lebrigand K, Waldmann R et al. (2020). High throughput error corrected Nanopore single cell transcriptome sequencing. Nature Communication 11, 4025. [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17800-6]


Lebrigand K, Waldmann R et al. (2020). The spatial landscape of gene expression isoforms in tissue sections. BioRxiv. [https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.24.252296]


A dedicated R package has been developped by Ignacio Atienza (IPMC) for data analysis and exploration of isoform switching events
