ucascnic / CudaOT

Repository for solving discrete optimal transport problems via Cplex, Sinkhorn, FastEMD and the GPU implementation of SparseSinkhorn,
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Repository for solving discrete optimal transport problems via Cplex, Sinkhorn, FastEMD and the GPU implementation of the Multi-Scale Sparse Sinkhorn.

This library is designed to solve a very large instance of discrete optimal transport problems.

Environment Requirements

Programming Language: CUDA C/C++ (tested on cuda/11.1)

eigen3 library headers: These can be installed via the package manager on most distributions, e.g. via package libeigen3-dev on Ubuntu.

Installation Instructions

For unified memory implementation

(1) In the CMakeLists.txt, edit the variable CUDA_INSTALL_PATH to match the CUDA installation directory. Edit the variable CPLEX_LIBRARY to match the CPLEX installation directory for building TransportNetwork.

(2) Type cmake . and make to compile.


(1)Cplex: The Cplex solver computes the unregularized OT problems.

(2)FastEMD: The details of FastEMD can be found at: https://github.com/tillhainbach/FastEMD

(3)Multi-scale OT: The CPU version of the multi-scale Sinkhorn Algorithm. The Document could be found at: https://github.com/bernhard-schmitzer/MultiScaleOT

(4)M3S: The implementation of the multi-scale sparse Sinkhorn. More details will be released later.

(5)LogDomainSK: Implemented the Sinkhorn algorithm on log domain.

(6)FastTransport: Fast Network Simplex for Optimal Transport: https://github.com/nbonneel/network_simplex

(7)3D Wasserstein Distance: code/3D Wasserstein Distance/plot3D_Wasserstein.m

(8)Color transfer between images: code/Color transfer between images/Multi_scale_Color_Transfer.ipynb


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[4] B. Schmitzer, Stabilized sparse scaling algorithms for entropy regularized transport problems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41 (2016).

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[10] Jean Feydy, Thibault Séjourné, Franc¸ois-Xavier Vialard, Shun-ichi Amari, Alain Trouve, and Gabriel Peyré. Interpolating between optimal transport and mmd using sinkhorn divergences. In The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pages 2681–2690, 2019.