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analyzing CA SGMA GSPs to understand groundwater management networks
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analyzing CA SGMA GSPs to understand groundwater management networks

This repository contains snapshots of the code and data used for several analysis projects, each organized as its own folder.

The code that accompanies the large demonstration case study of the textnet package is found under Text_Gov_Network_Methods_Paper > Code. The files in this folder generate the network data used in the case study, as well as analysis outputs and accompanying figures. We ran our code in order, from step 1 to step 11, to generate our analysis. These scripts no longer need to be run, as the outputs are already generated. Some additional metadata files are necessary for this analysis, which were generated through Structural_Topic_Model_Paper > Code.

The code that accompanies the structural topic model is found under Structural_Topic_Model_Paper > Code. The files in this folder generate the cleaned lexicon, topic model, analysis outputs, and accompanying figures. We ran our code in order, from step 1 to step 13, to generate our analysis.

The code in Verb_Analysis_Paper begins an exploratory analysis of the verbs found in the edges of the textnet_demo network. This is not complete.

The code in Plan_Evolution_Papers begins an exploratory analysis of the change in plans over time and their relationship to approval status. This is not complete.

The Supernetwork_Paper code allows a composite network to be created from multiple network objects.

Quick Start:

The "gsp_text_with_meta" file is the main file that is used in all subsequent analysis. This is the result of steps 1-3 of "stm_workflow". (Step 1, which generates the plan metadata and downloads a specific set of GSP pdfs, is not fully reproducible, as it was customized to the website specifications and content at particular dates, which have since shifted. However, by starting with the "gsp_text_with_meta" file and the GSP pdfs that are included on the accompanying Box drive, the various analyses are reproducible.

Note on Data Files:

Large lex files are saved locally immediately after generation with a tag for the date and time created. The latest version is automatically retrieved so that analysis can be completed in stages, and to enable RStudio restarts in case of memory scarcity without loss of progress. These files are too large to include in Github.

Outline of scripts and functions:

(1) sgma_web_scraper (collects raw data) uses rselenium to crawl main GSP portal and generate a data table including:

Numeric id for each GSP Basin name DWR approval status GSP Local ID if applicable Link to the webpage for that GSP if applicable.

Crawls each GSP webpage to: Save each plan summary spreadsheet in data_raw: gsp_num_id_xxxx.xlsx Saves each plan pdf in data_raw: gsp_num_id_xxxx.pdf List names & number of GSAs involved (1 or multiple) and add this to the data table

Writes the data table vars to data_output/gsp_ids.csv

(2) gsp_pdf_reader (generates readable versions of data) uses pdftools::pdf_text to read each gsp_num_id_xxxx.pdf into a character vector with an element for each page Saves each as an RDS file: gsp_num_id_xxxx_text Uses helper function: (2A) functions/create_page_key Takes a gsp_num_id_xxxx.xlsx file and returns formatted tibble called gsp_num_id_xxxx_categories that tags sections and subsections using helper function: (2Ai) functions/read_plan_element and uses helper function: (2Ab) functions/consolidate_pgs to create a vector of page numbers associated with each category, subcategory, and plan element, which can be used to subset gsp_num_id_xxxx_text to retrieve the pages associated with a plan category or element.

(3) gsp_topic_analyzer: uses helper function: (3A) functions/create_lang_meta, which creates & saves a data table gsp_text_with_lang including all gsps, where each row is a page. Columns include matching metadata about that page. Includes data from CNRA's final_515_table, downloaded to kings/data_raw Uses helper function: (3B) functions/create_dac_meta, which generates spatial metadata regarding social vulnerability index and disadvantaged community status from several shapefiles that are too large to include in Github. These files may be obtained through syncing with Box. (3Bi) The dac_svi_analysis function evaluates the relationship between svi and dac status. appends spatial data to gsp_text_with_lang to create gsp_text_with_meta Uses helper function: (3C) functions/lex_clean, which cleans the text data in gsp_text_with_meta and prepares it for use in the stm: Formats mathematical script as normal font. Removes parenthetical parts at the ends of words, e.g. "word(s)" Tokenizes using quanteda, removing punctuation, urls, extra spaces, and numbers. Removes any case-sensitive custom stopwords. Uses helper function: (3Ci) generate_place_names, which formats a collection of all place names and county names in California, from Gazetteer files. (3Cii) custom_dictionary, which formats the EPA climate change dictionary and a USGS water dictionary and adds results of generate_place_names and any other custom words to prepare n-gram tokens. Creates n-gram tokens using quanteda, based on custom_dictionary. Generates a dfm. Removes stopwords, including basic English stopwords, place names, symbols that indicate poor text conversion, months, and words that have no letters (eg negative numbers or number ranges) Removes words with under a certain number of characters Removes terms found in <3 GSPs or >30% of pages Uses cleaned data from lex_clean in an STM model