ucdavis / Harvest

Harvest Farm Project Tracking Website and Mobile App
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link


Harvest Farm Project Tracking Website

Node Version CodeQL Build Status

Local Setup

Requires .net 5 SDK from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download

Requires nodeJS, recommended version 18.x (see badge above)

In the Harvest.Web/ClientApp folder, run npm install --legacy-peer-deps. Technically this step is optional but it's useful to do to get things started.

Run locally

Get the user-secrets file and store it in the correct location

In the Harvest.Web folder, run:

npm start


Make sure to invoke "Prettier" before committing JS changes. If using VSCode consider using the plugin.

If making large JS changes, run npm test inside the Harvest.Web/ClientApp directory and it will automatically re-run affected tests.