ucdavis / faculty-directory

Faculty Directory to SiteFarm sync
MIT License
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Add user admin management #77

Closed srkirkland closed 4 years ago

srkirkland commented 4 years ago

We want to add a new screen for managing who is allowed to access the app.

Phase 1: Using the UserController.cs, add methods to List, Post (create), and Delete users. The methods can be empty for now but should return proper responses. Then in React create a new Users.tsx component which can call the UserController API to list in a table all users (for now, just kerberos). Each one should have a delete button to remove them from the list, and there should be a textbox with an add button to add someone to the list. Break it up however you want with different components, or keep it as one.

Phase 2 (once you get VPN access): Add a new table to the database to store users. Update the methods to interact with the db and actually save/edit users. Finally, update the access policy to only allow users who are in that list (I'm not sure how to do this, so leave it for last)