.NET Core 6 SDK
In the root
dotnet restore
Add secrets file from 1password. Can do it manually but my trick is to type dotnet user-secrets set a b
and it'll create you a dummy secrets file, which you can then replace with the proper version. On a map file is located at ~/.microsoft/usersecrets/3300ed04-c997-4a05-8ce8-7a65defad5ce
In the root
dotnet tool restore
Currently the only tool is dotnet-ef.
Go into the web project /src/FacultyDirectory and type dotnet watch run
. If you are using VSCode you can just click run or debug.
All changes to client code (styles and react) will automatically hot reload without any refresh needed. Server side changes will automatically reload as well but take a few seconds to rebuild.
If you get an SSL error you can ignore it or add your local cert by doing dotnet dev-certs https --trust
. This just has to be done once per machine, and isn't a per-project thing.
EF Migrations: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/migrations/?tabs=dotnet-core-cli
dotnet ef migrations add AddPeopleNames --project ../FacultyDirectory.Core/FacultyDirectory.Core.csproj
Running locally via VS or VSCode debug should run in "Development" env because of launch.json
If you want to run from a command line on Mac, do ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development dotnet run