uchagani / factory-girl

A library for setting up .NET objects as test data.
MIT License
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A library for setting up .NET objects as test data. Inspired by the original factory_girl for ruby, this implementation offers a simpler, feature-concise version for .NET that was influenced by FactoryGirl.NET and Plant.

Getting Started

Install factory-girl from Nuget

Install-Package factory-girl


In the beginning, there was a model


public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }

To get started, implement the IDefinable interface.


public class UserFactory : IDefinable
    public void Define()
        FactoryGirl.Define<User>(() => new User
            Name = "Bruce Wayne",
            Address = "Wayne Manor, Gotham City"

By implementing the interface, you can initialize all your factories in the given Type's assembly by calling the Initialize method.


Default and Named Factories

For each Type you can define two types of factories: Default or Named. You can have as many uniquely Named factories for a given type as you would like but you can only have one Default type.

Default Factory

public void DefineDefaultUser()
    FactoryGirl.Define<User>(() => new User
        Name = "Peter Griffin",
        Address = "31 Spooner Street, Quahog, RI"

Named Factories

private void DefineSeriousUser()
    FactoryGirl.Define("SeriousUser", () => new User
        Name = "Sirius Black",
        Address = "12 Grimmauld Place"
private void DefineAdminUser()
    FactoryGirl.Define("OldUser", () => new User
        Name = "Fred Flinstone",
        Address = "301 Cobblestone Way"

Building Test Objects

Building test objects of your models is now possible.

To build a Default User:


To build a Named User:


You can also build a list of objects by calling the BuildList method


If you need to clear your Factory call the ClearFactoryDefinitions method


Persisting Objects

To persist your object, implement the IRepository interface and use the Create and CreateList methods. It is important to remember that, like the original factory_girl, this implementation only calls Save() on the model. What Save() does is up to you.

public class User : IRepository
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }

    public User Save()
        // Your logic for saving the model to a Database.
        // Or calling a web service.
        // Or whatever persistence means to you!
        return this;

Now we can call Create and CreateList on our Factory

var user = FactoryGirl.Create<User>();
// Create 5 Users
var users = FactoryGirl.CreateList<User>(5);