**Abstract:** The 2018 MACSS Student Conference will feature research from the 2016 Cohort in the [Masters of Computational Social Science](https://macss.uchicago.edu) program at the University of Chicago. Thesis research comes from a variety of fields in the social sciences including but not limited to Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, Criminology, Economics, and Comparative Human Development using a variety of computational methods such as Spatial Regression, Natural Language Processing, Web Scraping, and Machine Learning.
Thursday, 3/29/2018
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Social Science Research Building 122
A dinner reception will follow provided by Pizza Capri.
**Logistical Details for MACSS Presenters:** Talks will be in [Ignite-style](http://www.ignitetalks.io/), which means that **by noon on Thursday, May ,** all 2nd year students will send a PDF with 20 slides to *both* James Evans and Joshua Mausolf **and update the title of their talk** on the spreadsheet linked below. The slides will be spliced together and auto-advance every 15 seconds. We will add a transition slide between every presentation (15 seconds) for a literally jam-packed evening of Computational Social Science. The [order of speakers](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16-5wUB0xmpvMVjqaQThD5TUMvufncGi3ztG1cnPE3p4/edit?usp=sharing) is detailed on the linked page.
The 2017-2018 Computational Social Science Workshop meets each Thursday from 11 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. in Kent 120. All interested faculty and graduate students are welcome.
This special session is required for all second year MACSS students (must present), and all first years (must attend). If a presenter needs to shift times in the program, please find someone in the program to switch (then swap on the sheet).
As a reminder, all students in the Masters of Computational Social Science program are expected to attend and join the discussion by posting a comment on the issues page of the workshop's public repository on GitHub. Further instructions are documented in the Computational Social Science Workshop's README on Github.