uchicago-computation-workshop / 2019_spring_conf

MACSS 2019 Spring 2nd-year Thesis Lightning Talk Conference
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Leoson Hoay #8

Open bensoltoff opened 5 years ago

w4rner commented 5 years ago

As mentioned in my talk, I'm working with a U Chicago graduate called Darian Bailey on a User-Centered Design informed product for logistic regression analysis: trying to make science more communicable. LMK if you'd be interested in finding out more.

bensoltoff commented 5 years ago
rickecon commented 5 years ago
LeosonH commented 5 years ago

@w4rner I'll hit you up!

LeosonH commented 5 years ago

@bensoltoff thank you for your comments!

Towards the second point, yes we do! But not for all of them. Reinecke et. al 2013 and Altaboli & Lin 2011 have verified the measures of colorfulness and layout placement with their respective measurements of human perception - but not with all the other independent variables I included. However, I still included the verified variables in my results in order to ensure the validity of the manipulation in my own study.

LeosonH commented 5 years ago

@rickecon thank you for the very kind comments!

I neglected to mention an interesting finding on my last slide (I am actually still in the middle of my analysis) due to time constraints, but it was that readability did not seem to have any significant impact on how long the participants' actually spent reading the article.

It could be hypothesized that an easy to read article would naturally be a breeze to read, while a harder to read article may encourage skimming/giving up, hence the time difference between the two is negligible.