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MACSS 2019 Spring 2nd-year Thesis Lightning Talk Conference
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MACSS 2019 Spring 2nd-year Thesis Lightning Talk Conference

The MACSS 2019 Spring 2nd-year Thesis Lightning Talk Conference will be held in Kent 120 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm. Each second year student will have 10 slides that will auto-advance every 30 seconds (5 minutes for each presentation). All MACSS students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend, as well as limited visitors. Pizza and drinks will be served after the presentations, and snacks will be provided during the presentations.

Comments and Questions using GitHub Issues

We will create a GitHub issue for each presenter. Because each presenter's time is limited, the presenters may not be able to address many questions from the audience. We encourage all listeners to post their comments and questions in the issue we create for each presenter.


Dr. Richard Evans will introduce the program from 5:00 - 5:10pm. Then we will begin the presentations at 5:10pm. The order of presenters will be the following.

Order Name GitHub handle Order Name GitHub handle
1 Yilun Dai @yilundai 16 Ari Boyarsky @ariboyarsky
2 Fangfang Wan @Fangfangwan 17 Ruixue Li @ruixue-li
3 Jingwen Fan @jfan3 18 Xi Chen @
4 Leoson Hoay @LeosonH 19 Mengchen Shi @
5 Yangyang Dai @yyd007 20 Flora Zhang @xiuyuanzhang
6 Laurence Warner @w4rner 21 Joe Denby @jgdenby
7 Xiang Zhang @ 22 Anhua Chen @ChenAnhua
8 Lerong Wang @ 23 Jiang Wang @
9 Weiwei Zheng @ZhengErWei 24 Andi Liao @liaoandi
10 Tyler Amos @tamos 25 Ling Dai @dailing616
11 Kevin Sun @Sun-Kev 26 Zunda Xu @zundaxu
12 Beth Bailey @bethbailey 27 Ruxin Chen @RuxinChen
13 Xinyu Cao @PhilipCaoChicago 28 Cooper Nederhood @CooperNederhood
14 Shuting Chen @Shuting05 29 Alexander Tyan @AlexanderTyan
15 Jie Heng @jheng18 30

Suggestions for presenters and ground rules

  1. Auto-advance slides are not a natural format. You should make sure you practice your talk a couple of times with this limit. Otherwise you will likely find that you are behind on every slide and have to transition your words in the middle of sentences.
  2. First slide should include the title of your thesis, your name, and your thesis advisor’s name. Because you only have 10 slides, you may want to put some additional content on your first slide or you can just use it to talk and introduce your topic.
  3. Some slide must highlight and state your research question. That slide might be the first slide, and we recommend that it be the first slide. Maybe your title is the research question, or maybe you state it as a subpoint of your title on the first slide. Or you could have a separate slide with the research question.
  4. If you want to spend more time on one slide, you can duplicate it.
  5. Most good paper’s result can be summarized with one or two key figures or tables. Show us your headline figure or table.
  6. Keep the punchline/results/answer to the research question in mind as you make your slides. Make sure you deliver your results in a clear, concise, impactful way.