The MACSS 2019 Spring 2nd-year Thesis Lightning Talk Conference will be held in Kent 120 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm. Each second year student will have 10 slides that will auto-advance every 30 seconds (5 minutes for each presentation). All MACSS students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend, as well as limited visitors. Pizza and drinks will be served after the presentations, and snacks will be provided during the presentations.
We will create a GitHub issue for each presenter. Because each presenter's time is limited, the presenters may not be able to address many questions from the audience. We encourage all listeners to post their comments and questions in the issue we create for each presenter.
Dr. Richard Evans will introduce the program from 5:00 - 5:10pm. Then we will begin the presentations at 5:10pm. The order of presenters will be the following.
Order | Name | GitHub handle | Order | Name | GitHub handle | |
1 | Yilun Dai | @yilundai | 16 | Ari Boyarsky | @ariboyarsky | |
2 | Fangfang Wan | @Fangfangwan | 17 | Ruixue Li | @ruixue-li | |
3 | Jingwen Fan | @jfan3 | 18 | Xi Chen | @ | |
4 | Leoson Hoay | @LeosonH | 19 | Mengchen Shi | @ | |
5 | Yangyang Dai | @yyd007 | 20 | Flora Zhang | @xiuyuanzhang | |
6 | Laurence Warner | @w4rner | 21 | Joe Denby | @jgdenby | |
7 | Xiang Zhang | @ | 22 | Anhua Chen | @ChenAnhua | |
8 | Lerong Wang | @ | 23 | Jiang Wang | @ | |
9 | Weiwei Zheng | @ZhengErWei | 24 | Andi Liao | @liaoandi | |
10 | Tyler Amos | @tamos | 25 | Ling Dai | @dailing616 | |
11 | Kevin Sun | @Sun-Kev | 26 | Zunda Xu | @zundaxu | |
12 | Beth Bailey | @bethbailey | 27 | Ruxin Chen | @RuxinChen | |
13 | Xinyu Cao | @PhilipCaoChicago | 28 | Cooper Nederhood | @CooperNederhood | |
14 | Shuting Chen | @Shuting05 | 29 | Alexander Tyan | @AlexanderTyan | |
15 | Jie Heng | @jheng18 | 30 |