uchicago-computation-workshop / Winter2021

Repository for the Winter 2021 Computational Social Science Workshop
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Winter 2021

Thursdays, 11:20am-12:40pm

Jan 14th - Aylin Caliskan

Jan 21st - Chris Kanich

Jan 28th - Brooke Foucault Welles

Feb 4th - Yinxian Zhang

Feb 11th - Kate Starbird

Feb 18th - Molly Roberts

Feb 25th - Danielle Bassett

March 4th - Renee DiResta

Checking Your GitHub Participation (For MACSS Students)

To check your GitHub participation record, you may either

  1. run "python MyGithubParticipation.py [your GitHub username] [your password]" (without the brackets) OR

  2. edit MyGithubParticipation.py, put your GitHub access token inside the quotation marks on line 33 and run "python MyGithubParticipation.py [your GitHub username]"

as a Unix command.

Please note that GitHub will disable password authentication on Nov 13, and presumably option 1 will stop working after the date (see https://developer.github.com/changes/2020-02-14-deprecating-password-auth/). For information about how to obtain a GitHub access token, visit https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token.