ucsb-cs56-f18 / ucsb-cs56-u-to-do

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Fall 2018

Group members: Sam Erez Siqi Sergei Marco Sihua

Mentor: Diego

This project is a to-do list web-app that allows the user to create a list of things they need to accomplish giving them a way to organize their schedule

URL to main webapp: https://ucsb-cs56-u-to-do.herokuapp.com

-------------------------Test Instructions-----------------------

Link to Running Version of Side Project #1 (Firebase login issue): https://utodo2.herokuapp.com/index.html -- Link to Repo: https://github.com/ucsb-cs56-f18/sk-u-to-do-issue4. To test the side project enter an email (doesn't have to be a valid email just the proper email format) as the user name, enter a password, and select "sign up". A "sign out" button will appear indicating that you are signed in and have access to the database.

Line to repo for Side Project #2 (Create a to-do list using a java data structure): https://github.com/ucsb-cs56-f18/ucsb-cs56-f18-u-to-do-side-issue-2. To test this code fork the repo and from the top of the directory type the following lines into the console window: "javac ToDoListTest.java" and "java ToDoList".