ucsb-cs56-projects / cs56-networking-chat

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This is a basic "chatroom" program--a barebones implementation of something similar to IRC, Google Chat, AIM, Yahoo Chat, etc.

The code is divided into MVC (model, view controller) portions. It uses Swing GUIs, Threads, Sockets, and the client has code the illustrates playing sounds.

The system is updated by GRADLE support, the instruction is as following.(W18)



project history

YES | mastergberry | ericchen94 | A chat application that uses a client and a server
 W14 | jcneally 4pm | ericchen94 | A chat application that uses a client and a server

Basic Usage

If the client is running on the same machine as the server, you can just use (the standard IP address that means "this same machine", sometimes also called the 'loopback' address) as the IP address.

If you are running the client on a different machine, you need to determine the IP address of the machine you are running the server on. (This IP address needs to be accessible to the outside world to use the client on another machine--there may be firewall and router issues involved here that are beyond the scope of Java code, or CS56 to resolve.)

Start the client and input one of the names and passwords from the server window and the IP address of the server then press "Connect to server." Ensure broadcast is selected and type a message into the lower text input box and press enter to send the message.

Note that the "Username", not the "nickname" should be entered in the client login panel.

Updated GRADLE support

Possible future improvements

Ancient History

The first version of this code pre-dates the use of github for CS56 projects. Here are links to those older versions:

M16 final remarks / future improvements

Update on what the program does (as of this writing):

refresh online count using a button random font switching with display output *send a message to non-online person returns a failure to send message error output


*As of now, the client can delete the user off the list but the list doesn't update correctly- instead of printing out the names of the updated list, it prints out "contact indexNumber" ex) contact02

The Big Three

Refactor code

*For example, go to server.java at line 85 to 122 and refactor the list of contacts provided. Create a new separate contact list for the client also. Check other places that definetely could be refactored.

Implement Observer Pattern

*Once you refactored code, the observer pattern should be implemented to allow easier code implementation such as adding/deleting contact from a contact list. Use controller class to pass code from model class to view class and back.

Implement code that can cover future issues

*For example, work on the online user count. The label should be updated, not a the press of the button, but when the user gets online and the label should be refreshed as a result.


Definetely refactor the code before doing anything else. Refactor the database in server first. *Follow the pattern especially the observer pattern.

F16 Final Remarks

State of the Program:


Notes about project

W18 final remarks / future improvements

State of the Program:


Notes about project

Furture implementation
