ucsb-cs56-projects / cs56-tutorials-autocomplete

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A small project containing simple classes and main programs that demonstrate how to build "autocomplete" widgets in a Swing GUI.

project history


Only one AutoComplete class written: Uses a JTextField for the search bar Uses a JComboBox for the popup menu The options correspond to the buttons at the bottom of the window When a selection is made, the button is pressed for you This is tied to the feature needed in the cs56-misc-map-gui project

Three Listeners necessary for this to work:
    JTextField - DocumentListener:
        Listens for any keystroke in the JTextField
        Fires the suggestion box to list relevant options
    JTextField - KeyListener:
        Listens for important keys such as ENTER, ESCAPE, and arrow keys
        Fires the appropriate option
            ENTER - search for the selection made
            ESCAPE - close the drop down menu
            ARROWS - make a selection
    JComboBox - ActionListener:
        Listens for a selection from the dropdown menu
        Inserts selection into the box

Key feature to help overcome obstacles with the cs56-misc-map-gui project:
    Method to track whether the JComboBox was being adjusted
    Problems arose when the popup menu and the search bar were out of sync with each other
    Solution, make sure they aren't editing each other at the same time

    Mehtods "setAdjusting" and "isAdjusting" keep track of a defined property of JComboBox "is_adjusting"

Source for style and fixes to this AutoComplete Class:

Key Contributions:
    Using a JComboBox under the JTextField by setting the height to 0
    is_adjusting property to avoid runtime erros
    Cleaner GUI programming practices