ucsb-cs56-webapps / ucsb-cs56-dogwalker

Dog walker/playdate matcher
MIT License
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Dog walker/playdate matcher

make a .env with ur mlab stuff then do . .env before compiling USE JAVA8

Live here : https://dogwalker.herokuapp.com/

Future Ideas

show multiple posts for the same username and password pick which post to delete instead of deleting all upload images and display them disassociate a users profile from posts

Getting it to run: setting up env.sh

To run, the usual steps of mvn compile exec:java then visiting http://localhost:4567 are a good start.

But, you'll get this error message:

Error: Must define env variable MONGODB_USER
Error: Must define env variable MONGODB_PASS
Error: Must define env variable MONGODB_NAME
Error: Must define env variable MONGODB_HOST
Error: Must define env variable MONGODB_PORT
Phillips-Mac-mini:sparkjava-rest-mlab-frontend pconrad$ 

To fix this, you need to take the following steps. Note that the steps involving mlab.com are pretty self-explanatory if you go to their website, so I'm not including much detail. You'll figure it out.

  1. Create a free account at mlab.com

  2. Create a deployment on the free tier

  3. Create a database. Call it whatever you like; perhaps mlab-blog-demo for example.

  4. In that database, create two collections, initially empty

    • a collection called posts
    • a collection called counters
  5. In the counters collection, create a document with exactly this content:

    "_id": "postId",
    "seq": 0
  6. Keep your mlab.com window open; you'll need it. But now turn back to the command line where you cloned this repo. You'll see a file called env.sh.EXAMPLE. Copy it to env.sh

    cp env.sh.EXAMPLE env.sh
  7. Edit the env.sh file. The values in it are just example values. You'll need to change them as indicated in the next steps. For each step, you'll get some piece of information from the mlab.com window, so arrange your windows side by side where you can see them both.

    Go to the mlab.com window and navigate to the page for your database. If you called it mlab-blog-demo, for example, that page will have the URL https://mlab.com/databases/mlab-blog-demo and it will information like this at the top (this is just an example)

    To connect using the mongo shell:
     mongo ds143932.mlab.com:43932/cs56-m18-demo -u <dbuser> -p <dbpassword>
    To connect using a driver via the standard MongoDB URI (what's this?):

    You should also see tabs for Collections, Users, Stats, Backups and Tools.

  8. Now, open up env.sh for editing. The first two lines say:

    export MONGODB_USER=testuser
    export MONGODB_PASS=abcd1234

    DO NOT CHANGE THESE TO THE USERNAME AND PASSWORD YOU USED TO LOGIN TO mlab.com!!! These are a different user and password, that you are going to create right now in the mlab.com window.

    In your file, create a username (Literally using testuser is fine). For password, make up a good long random password, such as 8sfvlSFE13RGDG2. The longer and more random the better, because you are never going to have to remember or type in this password; You are going to enter it once in this file; then copy and paste it into MLab when you create the user/password, and then never have to type it again. Please DON'T literally use abcd1234 or 8sfvlSFE13RGDG2.

    Type it in the env.sh file first. Then click the "Users" tab, and look over to the right side of the screen for the "Add database user" button. Click it, and enter the username and password that you just created (e.g. testuser and 8sfvlSFE13RGDG2. You'll want to copy/paste the password since you have to type it twice.)

    Now, we'll move on to the other values in the env.sh file.

  9. For these values, you are going to find these on the Mlab screen for your database:

    • For MONGODB_NAME change it from cs56-m18-demo to whatever the name of your database is (e.g. mlab-blog-demo)
    • For MONGODB_HOST and MONGO_PORT find the thing that says:
      To connect using the mongo shell:
      mongo ds144023.mlab.com:47245/cs56-m18-demo -u <dbuser> -p <dbpassword>

      In this example, MONGODB_HOST should be ds144023.mlab.com and MONGODB_PORT should be 47245.

  10. Once you've made these edits, you need to type the following so that these environment variables take effect:

    . env.sh

    This sets up the environment variables that the Java code will read from.

    While the previous steps 1-9 are "one time only" steps, this final step must be done each time you log in to a term Unix terminal session; the environment variable are defined as part of the current process.

Once you've done these steps, you should be able to run and not see the error message about defining environment variables.

Error: Must define env variable MONGODB_USER

So try doing mvn compile exec:java again, and visiting http://localhost:4567

More detail

This code shows a way to use:

Modifications from the original reducing-java-boilerplate tutorial:

Testing the RESTful API:

Since this app is a RESTFUL api that "speaks JSON", you'll need to use special techniques to test it.

The original tutorial shows testing it with a Chrome extension called Postman, but that Chrome extension appears to be deprecated, and the replacements for it are heavyweight, and require giving access to your Google account, etc. to unknown parties. I'd suggest using a different approach.

Here's a tutorial that shows how to test it with plain old curl at the CLI (e.g. the command line on CSIL):

And here's an example that shows how to do the tests originally shown in the tutorial with Postman, but using curl.

Before we start: let's acknowledge a possible confusion between:

Those words are both spelled p-o-s-t, but they are entirely separately concepts. I'll use POST when I mean the http method, and "post" when I just mean one of the messages on the blog, or the "object" that represents one of those messages.

Now let's get started. Start the application running on localhost:4567 in one terminal window using mvn compile exec:java. In a second terminal window, use curl http://localhost:4567/posts. This does a simple GET http request to the server, and what is returned in the JSON representation of all the posts currently stored on the server.

$ curl http://localhost:4567/posts
[ ]$ 

At the moment, that's an empty list, which in JSON is represneted as [ ].

So if we want some posts in the list, we'll need to add some.

If you cd into the directory testdata, you'll see that I've created some files that represent blog posts formatted in JSON. For example, the contents of the file post1.json is this:

    "title" : "A post about Spark",
    "content" : "Spark is quite cool!",
    "categories" : ["java","web apps"]

The curl command can be used with the -d option (which stands for data) to do a POST request to add this post to the blog. Here's what that looks like. This sends a POST request to the url, with the payload (content) being the contents of the file post1.json:

$ curl -d @post1.json http://localhost:4567/posts

A few notes about that:

If we repeat this command a few times, we get 2, 3, 4 etc.:

$ curl -d @post1.json  http://localhost:4567/posts
3$ curl -d @post1.json  http://localhost:4567/posts

If we then simply use curl http://localhost:4567/posts again, we get a list of all of these posts formatted in JSON:

$ curl http://localhost:4567/posts
[ {
  "id" : 1,
  "title" : "A post about Spark",
  "categories" : [ "java", "web apps" ],
  "content" : "Spark is quite cool!"
}, {
  "id" : 2,
  "title" : "A post about Spark",
  "categories" : [ "java", "web apps" ],
  "content" : "Spark is quite cool!"
}, {
  "id" : 3,
  "title" : "A post about Spark",
  "categories" : [ "java", "web apps" ],
  "content" : "Spark is quite cool!"
}, {
  "id" : 4,
  "title" : "A post about Spark",
  "categories" : [ "java", "web apps" ],
  "content" : "Spark is quite cool!"
} ] $

If we stop and restart the webapp, we will see that since this list is just in memory, and not in a database, it does not persist (i.e. stick around). If we want that, we need to store it in a database with each operation.

So after stopping and restarting the server, once again, we have an empty list:

$ curl http://localhost:4567/posts
[ ]$ 

To test methods other than GET and POST, use the -X flag. For example, to test DELETE method, you can use:

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4567/posts/13

How to compile and run

To do this Do this
run the program Type mvn exec:java. Visit the web page it indicates in the message
check that edits to the pom.xml file are valid Type mvn validate
clean up so you can recompile everything Type mvn clean
edit the source code for the app edit files in src/main/java.
Under that the directories for the package are edu/ucsb/cs56/pconrad
edit the source code for the app edit files in src/test/java.
Under that the directories for the package are edu/ucsb/cs56/pconrad
compile Type mvn compile
run junit tests Type mvn test
build the website, including javadoc Type mvn site-deploy then look in either target/site/apidocs/index.html
copy the website to /docs for publishing via github-pages Type mvn site-deploy then look for javadoc in docs/apidocs/index.html
make a jar file Type mvn package and look in target/*.jar

| run the main in the jar file | Type java -jar target/sparkjava-demo-01-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar | | change which main gets run by the jar | Edit the <mainClass> element in pom.xml | | deploy to heroku | change the <appname> element and the name of the jar file in both pom.xml and Procfile, then use heroku login, then mvn heroku:deploy |