udarc / streamMedia

A website to stream media and sell them.
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Steam Media project

The Stream Media website will have a registration and login system and hosts various type of media content.

Problem Statement

A Media Creator/Filmmaker has many types of media content such as films, trailers, music videos, short stories and books. These Contents are hosted on diverse platforms and accessible in different ways and forms such as YouTube (free to watch) or Amazon (on demand or with Prime membership) or on physical media such as DVDs or books.

How does the Media Creator/filmmaker go about letting his audience know what is available and accessibility and where? Stream Media website will provide a centralized platform for his customers to access all the content and learn more about them. It will provide an administrator a way to create, read, update and delete some the content and customers links, embedded videos or even exclusive content when logged in on Stream Media website. The high-level navigation of the website is as follow: home, media, frequently asked questions (FAQ) and Account.

Project Technologies/Techniques


Bootstrap, Materialize or W3C CSS

Data Validator

Bootstrap Validator for front end


JavaMail API



Independent Research Topic/s

CI tools in AWS

Materialize or W3C CSS

Books API/YouTube Api

Hibernate Validation

Hibernate Search

Lombok project

Topics covered in class

Unit Testing

JUnit tests to achieve 80%+ code coverage

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA
