uditalias / swamp

Swamp is a tool for running, managing and monitoring processes. jump in!
MIT License
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Swamp is a tool for running, managing and monitoring processes. jump in!

DEPRECATION WARNING: Swamp has been deprecated and is no longer actively maintained. We do not recommend continuing to use Swamp.


Why Swamp

We built Swamp because we were frustrated with supervisor: ancient dashboard, having to manually reload the supervisor service when we had an ENV or code change and low visibility to logs and basic monitoring data, especially important when you are doing fast development cycles on a multi processes app.

Swamp is still an alpha project, but is already used in some production servers and is quickly moving to stable status.

Swamp is built with Appolo a modern Node.js app framework, the dashboard is build with Angular.js . Want to contribute? see the Contributing section further on.


$ npm install -g swamp

Note, that if you are not using some kind of node environment manager (such as nvm) then you probably need sudo prefixing the previous command

Installing swamp as a unix service

Warning: Currently the install script supports only upstart for ubuntu, But we would love your PR to support init-v, systemd, launchd (for osx) etc


Updating Swamp

Updating an already installed Swamp:

$ npm update -g swamp

sudo if necessary

Usage: Swamp command options

Use the swamp command line tool to create and run your swamp

 $ swamp --help

     Usage: swamp [options]


         -h, --help                output usage information
         -V, --version             output the version number
         -c, --create              creates a bootstrap `Swampfile.js` in the cwd
         -u, --up                  startup the Swamp with the cwd `Swampfile.js`
         -r, --reload              reload the current running Swamp (will restart as a daemon)
         -d, --daemon              start the Swamp as a daemon with the cwd `Swampfile.js`
         -t, --timeout <n>         use the timeout flag if you want to wait <n> milliseconds
                                   at most for blocking commands
         -H, --halt                halt the current cwd running Swamp
         -s, --status              see the current cwd Swamp status
         -C, --cli                 connect to the current cwd Swamp using the Swamp cli
         -D, --dashboard           open the Swamp Dashboard in your default browser
         -U, --update              check for Swamp updates
         --start <service_name>    start the given service
         --stop <service_name>     stop the given service
         --restart <service_name>  restart the given service
         --state <service_name>    see the given service state
         --startall                start all Swamp services
         --stopall                 stop all Swamp services
         --restartall              restart all Swamp services
         --stateall                see all Swamp services state
         --preset <preset_name>    apply a preset
         --vconf                   validates and checks the Swampfile.js
         -p, --path <swamp_path>   set the Swamp path [cwd]
                                   Important! use this option before any other option.
                                   e.g. `$ swamp -p ~/swamp_path --status`

Swamp CLI

After creating your Swampfile.js and your swamp is running, enter the Swamp CLI:

$ swamp -C or $ swamp cli

After connection you can use the following commands inside the shell:

list - list all your swamp services

startall - start all services

restartall - restart all running services

stopall - stop all running services

start SERVICE_NAME - start a service by service name

stop SERVICE_NAME - stop a service by service name

restart SERVICE_NAME - restart a service by service name

exit - logout from the swamp CLI and go back to prompt

Bootstrap your swamp project

$ mkdir myProject
$ cd myProject
$ swamp create

The $ swamp create command will create a Swamp bootstrap project inside myProject folder.

Configure your Swamp

Edit or create the Swampfile.js to configure the swamp (Full configurations), here is an example:

  module.exports = function(swamp) {

      options: {
        silence: false,
        monitor: {
          cpu: true,
          memory: true
        dashboard: {
          hostname: 'localhost',
          port: 2121,
          autoLaunch: false,
          credentials: {
            username: "myUserName",
            password: "12345678!@#$%^&*"
      environments: [
          name: "staging",
          PORT: 8080,
          MY_PARAM: "myStageParamValue"
      presets: [
          name: 'My Preset',
          services: [ 'myService 1' ]
      unix_sockets: [
            file: '/var/run/my_unix_socket.sock',
            chmod: 0700
      services: [
          name: "myService 1",
          description: "myService 1 description",
          path: "/path/to/node/service",
          script: "app.js",
          options: {
            user: "udidu",
            autorun: true,
            defaultEnv: "staging",
            runForever: true,
            maxRetries: 5,
            maxLogsToSave: 100
          environments: [
              name: "production",
              PORT: 80
          args: [ "arg1", 1234 ]
          name: "myService 2",
          description: "myService 2 description",
          path: "/path/to/any/service",
          command: "/path/to/any/service/python",
          args: [ '-u', 'my_server.py' ],
          threshold: {
            cpu: {
                threshold: 30,
                duration: 10 * 1000
            memory: {
                threshold: '1.4GB',
                duration: 60 * 1000


Usage and Configurations

Once the swamp command executes in the folder where the Swampfile.js is located, it will initialize and run your configurations, another way is to use the -p, --path option to set the Swampfile.js location (see the usage section), after that you can access your swamp dashboard from your browser (default: http://localhost:2121/).

The Swampfile.js exports a function as a node module, this function receives the Swamp as a parameter which your can config with the swamp.config({ ... }) function which receives a configuration object.

Use this configurations to config your swamp


options: { ... } - set global swamp configurations

Type: Object Default: { silence: false, monitor: { cpu: true, memory: true }, dashboard: { port: 2121, autoLaunch: true } }


Type: Boolean Default: false

Make the Swamp logs silence and don't show logs on screen


Type: String Default: local

Set the swamp mode, can be set to local or remote

Use the remote option when running swamp in production server in order to prompt the user when performing actions in the dashboard (e.g. stop, start, restart services)


Type: Boolean Default: true

Display or not cpu usage of each running service


Type: Boolean Default: true

Display or not memory usage of each running service


Type: String Default: localhost

Swamp dashboard host name


Type: Number|String Default: 2121

Swamp dashboard running port


Type: Boolean Default: true

Launch the dashboard when running swamp


Type: Object|Array Default: {}

Set a username and a password for your dashboard login (recommended if you're going to access the dashboard remotely)


Type: String Default: ``

The dashboard username


Type: String Default: ``

The dashboard password


Type: Object Default: { out: 'logs/out.log', err: 'logs/err.log' }

Configure the main loggers of the Swamp for out and error logs. The default log files will be located where the Swampfile.js is located, under the logs folder. You are able to config log files rotation by size, the default file size for log rotation is 1MB.

Here are some log rotation configurations and examples.


environments: [ ... ] - set the swamp global environments variables

Type: Array Default: []

You can config global environments in your swamp for easy environment params sharing between services, each environment variable is accessible through the process.env inside your swamp services, note that the NODE_ENV can be configure with the name key (e.g. name: 'development'), if both the NODE_ENV and name are configured on the same environment, the name will determine.


  environments: [
      name: "staging",
      PORT: 8080,
      MY_PARAM: "myStageParamValue"
      name: "production",
      PORT: 80,
      MY_PARAM: "myProdParamValue"


commands: [ ... ] - set global commands to run from the dashboard

Type: Array Default: []

You can config commands in your swamp (e.g. npm install), this commands can be run in your services path from the dashboard.


  commands: [
      name: "npm install",
      cmd: "npm install"
      name: "pip install inside venv",
      cmd: "source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt"


presets: [ ... ] - set presets to run only selected services

Type: Array Default: []

When running a preset all the services in the Swamp will stop and only the preset services will start.

Presets can be defined in the Swampfile.js as shown below or they can be created from the dashboard.


  presets: [
      name: "My Preset",
      services: [ "my Service 1", "my Service 2" ]


Type: Array Default: []

Config UnixSocket files for internal process communications. The array will accept list of socket files with an optional chmod.


  unix_sockets: [
        file: '/path/to/unix/socket.sock',
        chmod: 0700


services: [ ... ] - config the swamp services

Type: Array Default: []

Each application in your swamp called service, services are the way to tell Swamp how to run your servers.

You can configure many services as you want, the services object is an array of JSON objects, the service will run based in their order in the array, each service can be configure using this options:


Type: String (Mandatory)

Set the service name as it will shown in the dashboard (this field should be unique)


Type: String

Set the service description as it will shown in the dashboard


Type: String (Mandatory)

Set the service full path (e.g. /home/user/servers/myServer)


Type: String (Mandatory if the command option is not set)

The service running script (e.g. app.js). This is a default to Node.JS script runner, to use a service other than node, use the command option


Type: String (Mandatory if the script option is not set)

The service running command (e.g. /path/to/any/service/python)


Type: Object Default: { autorun: false, defaultEnv: "", runForever: false, isParent: false }


Type: String Default: ""

Set this option to control the service permissions by specifying the UNIX username which will run this process. This option is important if Swamp running as the root user.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Run this service as soon as the swamp is started


Type: Number Default: -1

Define the services start order by setting the start index. You can use also negative numbers.


Type: String Default: ""

This field is mandatory only if the options.autorun is set to true


Type: Boolean Default: true

Keep this service alive, if it crash, run it again


Type: Number Default: -1

Max running retries in case of an error (for infinite: -1), relevant only if runForever is set to true


Type: Number Default: 1000

The minimum runtime (in milliseconds) for the service before running it again after error


Type: Number Default: 500

The time (in milliseconds) gap between restarts after the service has failed


Type: Boolean Default: false

When true, the service will hang other services running sequence until the service is ready.

Sometimes, one of the services running sequence is asynchronous and should hang other services until this sequence has finished. When the waitForReady service option is true the Swamp will wait until the service is ready before running the next startIndex service. If you want to mark a waitForReady service as ready, send a message from the service when all async operations completed.

For example, in NodeJS service:

    //...some async actions...

    process.send && process.send({ swamp: 'ready' });

In Python:

    import os

    #...some async actions...

    os.write(0, '{"swamp" : "ready"}\n')

    # `0` is the index of the stdio swamp injects
    # to the service in order to pass messages/file descriptors

Note that the above would fail in python if the service isn't running from swamp, a safer alternative is:

    def write_process_message(data, fd=0):
            os.write(fd, data)
        except OSError:

    # and then somewhere in your code after the app has finished loading:
    write_process_message('{"swamp" : "ready"}\n', 0)

Type: Number Default: 100

Define the history log length for each service out and error logs, this option will not affect your log files, basically it tells to Swamp how much logs to save in memory for CLI and Dashboard use


Type: String Default: SIGTERM

You can configure a specific kill signal as described in Node Signal Events



Type: Object Default: {}

Define the threshold object to control when the service will restart automatically if it reaches CPU/Memory thresholds. You can config CPU and/or Memory thresholds like so:


Type: Object Default: {}

Define the CPU threshold to restart the service when it reaches the defined CPU threshold

Here is an example for CPU threshold, this configuration will restart the service when its CPU is above 50% for 6 seconds:

    "threshold": {
        "cpu": {
            "threshold": 50,      //CPU threshold
            "duration": 6000      //Duration in milliseconds

Type: Object Default: {}

Define the Memory threshold to restart the service when it reaches the defined Memory threshold

Here is an example for Memory threshold, this configuration will restart the service when its Memory is above 300MB for 6 seconds:

    "threshold": {
        "memory": {
            "threshold": "300MB",  //Memory threshold
            "duration": 6000      //Duration in milliseconds

You can config both CPU and Memory thresholds together:

    "threshold": {
        "cpu": {
            "threshold": 30,
            "duration": 10000
        "memory": {
            "threshold": "1.4GB",
            "duration": 60000

Type: Array Default: []

Just like the global environments, you can override environment variables defined on the global environments or just add new environments


Type: Array Default: []

Pass arguments to your service


Type: Object Default: { out: 'SERVICE_NAME/out.log', err: 'SERVICE_NAME/err.log' }

Configure the service logs for out and error logs. The default log files will be located where the Swampfile.js is located, under the SERVICE_NAME folder. You are able to config log files rotation by size, the default file size for log rotation is 1MB.

Here are some log rotation configurations and examples.

Fully configured service example:

  "services": [
      "name": "myService 1",
      "description": "this is my first service",
      "path": "/home/me/servers/myServer",
      "script": "app.js",
      "options": {
        "autorun": true,
        "defaultEnv": "staging",
        "runForever": false,
        "maxRetries": 5,
        "maxLogsToSave": 50
      "environments": [
          "name": "development",
          "PORT": 8080
      "logs": {
        "err": "/var/log/my_service/err.log",
        "out": "/var/log/my_service/out.log"
      "args": [ "arg1", 1234 ]

Properties template

Any string property in the Swampfile can include properties templates, the value of those properties is taken from the Swampfile itself. Here's a Swampfile example:

    "params": {
        "user": "udidu",
        "projects_folder": "my_rojects_folder/dev"

    "default_options": {
        "env": "development"

    "services": [{
        "name": "myService 1",
        "description": "this is my first service",
        "path": "/home/<%= params.user %>/<%= params.projects_folder %>/myServer",
        "script": "app.js",
        "options": {
          "autorun": true,
          "defaultEnv": "<%= default_options.env %>",
          "runForever": false,
          "maxRetries": 5,
          "maxLogsToSave": 50


Log rotation configurations

When configuring your swamp and swamp services logs, you can pass an object to specify log rotations files size and max files for rotation.

The default file size for log rotation is 1MB, and the default for max files is 100.

To change the size or max files, change the logs object in you configurations like so:

        "logs": {
            "out": {
                "path": "/var/log/services/myservice/out.log",
                "maxSize": "1MB",
                "maxFiles": 4
            "err": {
                "maxSize": "1.4MB",
                "maxFiles: 3

The example above shows how we pass the file size for log rotation. You can even pass just a maxSize and/or maxFiles properties to the log and the path will be the default log path.

Note that if you want to use the default value (1MB) you can pass the the out and err properties the string path.

For example:

        "logs": {
            "out": "/var/log/services/myservice/out.log"   //default log rotation file size will be `1MB`
            "err": {
                "maxSize": "1.4MB",
                "maxFiles": 50

The Swamp handle logs with winstonjs for Node. If you want to read more about the maxFiles option for log rotation please refer to winstonjs File Transport

Log rotation size examples
#KB     - e.g. 1KB, 2.4KB
#MB     - e.g. 1MB, 1.2MB
#GB     - e.g. 1GB, 0.5GB
#TB     - e.g. 1TB...


Full REST API for hooking and receiving Swamp data

Use the API to control Swamp services via HTTP, each API call should include an access token as described below. All methods supported by JSONP callback.

The API base url is the same as the dashboard url and port (e.g. http://localhost:2121/)

Each API call should include the x-access-token header with a valid access token, if token is not provided or not valid an 401 (Unauthorized) response will be returned.


check token

Path: /api/auth/login/ Method: GET

Verifies whether the access token is authorized or not

200 if valid
401 if Unauthorized


Path: /api/auth/login/ Method: POST Body: username, password

Login and get access token using your credentials

200 if success. response body: { 'accessToken': VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN, 'lastTouch': LAST_SESSION_TOUCH_TIMESTAMP }
400 if invalid credentials


Path: /api/auth/logout/ Method: POST

Logout and delete the session

200 if success.


get service

Path: /api/services/<SERVICE_NAME>/ Method: GET

Get service data

200 if service exist, response body: { SERIALIZED_SERVICE }
404 if service not found

get all services

Path: /api/services/ Method: GET

Get all services data

200, response body: [{ SERIALIZED_SERVICE },...]

get service state

Path: /api/services/<SERVICE_NAME>/state/ Method: GET

Get service running state

200 if service exist, response body: { 'name': SERVICE_NAME, 'state': SERVICE_STATE }
404 if service not found

get all services state

Path: /api/services/state/ Method: GET

Get all services running state

200, response body: [{ 'name': SERVICE_NAME, 'state': SERVICE_STATE },...]

start service

Path: /api/services/<SERVICE_NAME>/start/ Method: POST

Start service

200 if service exist
404 if service not found

start all services

Path: /api/services/start/ Method: POST

Start all services


stop service

Path: /api/services/<SERVICE_NAME>/stop/ Method: POST

Stop service

200 if service exist
404 if service not found

stop all running services

Path: /api/services/stop/ Method: POST

Stop all running services


restart service

Path: /api/services/<SERVICE_NAME>/restart/ Method: POST

Restart service

200 if service exist
404 if service not found

restart all running services

Path: /api/services/restart/ Method: POST

Restart all running services


Contribute to the Swamp Dashboard project

$ git clone git@github.com:uditalias/swamp.git

Contributors who wants to contribute to the Swamp dashboard (separated in a different project) should also clone the dashboard project:

$ git clone git@github.com:uditalias/swamp-dashboard.git

Both the Swamp and the Swamp-dashboard projects should be exist in the same directory, for example:


In this way, when editing the dashboard, you can easily add and commit your changes to the swamp project by running:

$ grunt build from the swamp-dashboard directory

this will build the dashboard, copy it to the swamp project, and then will perform git add and git commit to your dashboard changes in the swamp project.


Copyright (c) 2014 Udi Talias

Licensed under the MIT License (Basically - do anything you want license). See License for more details.