uedayou / oxigraph-sparql-api-serverless

The rust program which can deploy it as Web API(SPARQL Endpoint) using Oxigraph on AWS Lambda and API Gateway
MIT License
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This is the rust program which can deploy it as Web API(SPARQL Endpoint) using Oxigraph on AWS Lambda and API Gateway.

Build using Docker

$ git clone https://github.com/uedayou/oxigraph-sparql-api-serverless.git --recursive
$ cd oxigraph-sparql-api-serverless
$ cp YOUR_TURTLE_FILE_PATH rdf/dump.ttl 
$ docker image build -t oxigraph-build -f Dockerfile.build .
$ docker container run --rm -v $PWD:/code -v $HOME/.cargo/registry:/root/.cargo/registry -v $HOME/.cargo/git:/root/.cargo/git oxigraph-build

Deploy on AWS using SAM CLI

$ sam package --template-file template.yaml --output-template-file packaged.yaml --s3-bucket S3_BUCKET_NAME
$ sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name PROJECT_NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

How to use it as SPARQL Endpoint

https://${ID}.execute-api.${Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/sparql?query={sparql query with URL-encoded}&format={json(default) or xml}