uerceg / play-install-referrer-react-native

Play Install Referrer Library ported to React Native
MIT License
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Play Install Referrer Library wrapper for React Native

Supported platforms:
Current version: 1.1.8
Troubles? Report an issue

react-native-play-install-referrer is a simple wrapper around Google's Play Install Referrer Library which offers basic functionality of obtaining Android referrer information from React Native app.

More information about Play Install Referrer API can be found in official Google documentation.

Version of native Play Install Referrer Library which is being used inside of latest react-native-play-install-referrer plugin version is 2.2.

Add plugin to your app

react-native-play-install-referrer plugin is hosted on npm repo and can be added from there.


yarn add react-native-play-install-referrer


npm install --save react-native-play-install-referrer


In order to obtain install referrer details, call getInstallReferrerInfo static method of PlayInstallReferrer class:

import { PlayInstallReferrer } from 'react-native-play-install-referrer';

PlayInstallReferrer.getInstallReferrerInfo((installReferrerInfo, error) => {
  if (!error) {
    console.log("Install referrer = " + installReferrerInfo.installReferrer);
    console.log("Referrer click timestamp seconds = " + installReferrerInfo.referrerClickTimestampSeconds);
    console.log("Install begin timestamp seconds = " + installReferrerInfo.installBeginTimestampSeconds);
    console.log("Referrer click timestamp server seconds = " + installReferrerInfo.referrerClickTimestampServerSeconds);
    console.log("Install begin timestamp server seconds = " + installReferrerInfo.installBeginTimestampServerSeconds);
    console.log("Install version = " + installReferrerInfo.installVersion);
    console.log("Google Play instant = " + installReferrerInfo.googlePlayInstant);
  } else {
    console.log("Failed to get install referrer info!");
    console.log("Response code: " + error.responseCode);
    console.log("Message: " + error.message);

If successfully obtained, map with content of install referrer information will be delivered into callback method as first parameter. From that map, you can get following install referrer details:

You should first check if second parameter in the callback - error is null or not. If not, for some reason reading of install referrer details failed. In case no error is reported, install referrer information should be delivered into the first map parameter of the callback method.

In case error is reported, you can get following information about the error:

Under the hood

Important thing to notice is that in order to work properly, Play Install Referrer Library requires following permission to be added to your app's AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE"/>

Play Install Referrer Library is added to react-native-play-install-referrer plugin as an Gradle dependency and it will automatically make sure that manifest file ends up with above mentioned permission added to it upon building your app.

Example app

You can find example apps using react-native-play-install-referrer plugin inside example-app-js and example-app-ts folders of this repository. In case you want to run the app (with re-adding plugin), you can run this command inside app folder:

yarn remove react-native-play-install-referrer && yarn add ../ && npx react-native run-android


List of tasks to be done in this repository can be found in here.