uestc-icsp / VoxelMapPlus_Public

Voxelmap++: Mergeable Voxel Mapping Method for Online LiDAR(-inertial) Odometry
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Voxelmap++: Mergeable Voxel Mapping Method for Online LiDAR(-inertial) Odometry


VoxelMapPlus is an expension with some new features about VoxelMap (https://github.com/hku-mars/VoxelMap)

  1. Incrementally 3DOF plane fitting and update method based on least squares estimation
  2. Plane merging method based on union-find which consider the coplanar relationship between voxel
  3. Computationally efficient, low memory usage
  4. Adapt different kinds of LiDARs (multi-spinning LiDARs and non-conventional solid-state LiDARs)
The framework about VoxelMap++ The Merged VoxelMap about Liren Building The PointCloud Map about Liren Building


Yuan You 游远, Yifei Yuan 袁翼飞

Related video

Our accompanying videos are now available on Bilibili.

Related paper

Related paper available on arxiv:

  1. Voxelmap++: Mergeable Voxel Mapping Method for Online LiDAR(-inertial) Odometry
  2. Efficient and Probabilistic Adaptive Voxel Mapping for Accurate Online LiDAR Odometry
  3. FAST-LIO2: Fast Direct LiDAR-inertial Odometry

1. Prerequisites

1.1. PCL && Eigen

PCL>= 1.8, Follow PCL Installation.

Eigen>= 3.3.4, Follow Eigen Installation.

1.2. livox_ros_driver

Follow livox_ros_driver Installation.

2. Build

Clone the repository and catkin_make:

    cd ~/$A_ROS_DIR$/src
    git clone https://github.com/uestc-icsp/VoxelMapPlus_Public.git
    cd ..
    source devel/setup.bash

3. Run on Dataset

3.1 Run on Our LivoxHap Odometry dataset

Step A: Download Datasets 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-y3x7tbPbyr3LlFnH-FkWw?pwd=ICSP 提取码: ICSP

Step B: Setup before run Edit config/velodyne.yaml to set the below parameters:

  1. LiDAR point cloud topic name: lid_topic
  2. IMU topic name: imu_topic
  3. If you want to show the voxel map, set pub_voxel_map to true
  4. If you want to show the accumulated point cloud map, set pub_point_cloud to true

Step C: Run below

    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch voxel_map_plus mapping_velodyne.launch

Step D: Play rosbag.