uestcer / community

Hi, uestcers, read the community rules and start your application here. 🚀🚀🚀
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 17 forks source link

UESTC Group Application 👏

本组织是由电子科大开源爱好者,自发创立和维护的开源组织 🏠 本组织旨在聚拢各届成电新老好友,参与开源社区,汇聚优秀项目,共同进步 🚀

UESTCer,互助、共进 :)

This organization is an open-source community founded and maintained by enthusiasts from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 🏠 Our goal is to gather students and alumni from all years, participate in open-source communities, gather excellent projects, and progress together 🚀

UESTCers, help each other and progress together :)