uezo / minette-symphony

Adapter for Symphony to create chatbot using Minette framework.
MIT License
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Minette adapter for Symphony

Adapter for Symphony to create chatbot using Minette framework.


$ pip install minette-symphony

Running the echo bot

Running echo bot is extremely easy.

from minette import DialogService
from minette_symphony import SymphonyAdapter

# Custom dialog service (echo)
class MyDialog(DialogService):
    def compose_response(self, request, context, connection):
        # request.text is plain text message parsed from XML message from Symphony.
        # request.channel_message contains the whole event data.
        return "You said: " + request.text

# Create adapter. Bot instance is also created internally.
adapter = SymphonyAdapter(
    # symphony.json is the config file for Symphony SDK

# Start datafeed

More details

See also Minette to understand the features of this framework and how to add your own skills.