ufal / perl-pmltq-web

Simple web build on the top of the PML Tree Query server
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Suggest on nodes with not-unique ids #141

Open matyaskopp opened 6 years ago

matyaskopp commented 6 years ago

Suggest uses PMLTQ::SQLEvaluator::ids_to_pos(...) to determine which node is suggested. If pml ids are not unique it takes rundom one. (https://github.com/ufal/perl-pmltq-server/blob/master/lib/PMLTQ/Server/Controller/Suggest.pm#L23-L24)

Opposite to suggest Svg controller uses PMLTQ::SQLEvaluator::idx_to_pos(...). (https://github.com/ufal/perl-pmltq-server/blob/master/lib/PMLTQ/Server/Controller/Svg.pm#L214-L215)

related to: https://github.com/ufal/perl-pmltq/issues/49

dan-zeman commented 5 years ago

UD 2.2 will hopefully have unique node ids. But it never hurts if PML-TQ is able to deal with ambiguous input.