ufal / perl-pmltq-web

Simple web build on the top of the PML Tree Query server
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Fronted web application for PML-TQ server.

Currently work in progress...


Node environment and Bower is required.

  1. Install Node (skip if you have Node installed)

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.24.1/install.sh | bash
    nvm install stable
    nvm use stable
  2. Install Bower

    npm install -g bower
  3. Clone repository

    git clone https://github.com/ufal/perl-pmltq-web.git
    cd perl-pmltq-web
    npm install
    bower install
  4. Install dependencies

    make install
  5. Run you own PML-TQ server or tunnel one from euler or euler-dev (if you have ssh access)

    ssh -t -L 3000: euler-dev or euler.ms.mff.cuni.cz
  6. Run webpack-dev-server

    make run
  7. Open browser



TODO: move this to wiki

  1. Clean and build

    gulp clean && gulp build
  2. Rsync to euler-dev

    rsync --verbose  --progress --stats --recursive dist/* pmltq@euler-dev:/opt/pmltq-web
    • Use --delete if you need clean deployment directory


Report a bug: issue tracker

Questions: pmltq at ufal.mff.cuni.cz