ufcg-lsd / sebal-engine

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SEBAL Engine

What is SEBAL Engine?

SEBAL Engine is a tool created to provide a dynamic use of SEBAL algorithm using computational resources obtained through a multi-cloud environment federated by the Fogbow Middleware.

SEBAL Engine has six main components:

How to use it?

Submitting Tasks

A pool of tasks is created when Task Catalog is called passing the range of years for which the images were captured by the satellite and a text file, containing the regions that will be processed.

Task Field Description
Image Name: Image name with landsat type, region and year as prefix
Download Link: Image download link from NASA repository
Image State: Image state in system execution
Federation Member: Federation member that deals with the image
Priority: Processing priority
Station ID: Image's nearest station ID
Sebal Version: Current SEBAL application version
Sebal Engine Version: Current SEBAL Engine application version
Blowout Version: Current blowout application version
Creation Time: Date of first interation with image in database
Update Time: Date of last interation with image in database
Status: Tells if image was purged from database or not
Error: Shows the error message in case of execution failure

For that, SEBAL Engine relies on a centralized database that gets and stores informations about image data and process output so the components can make their decisions.

Image States

While running SEBAL Engine application, each image might be in several different states. The image state will show in which phase exactly the execution is.

not_downloaded: image was not downloaded by crawler yet
downloading: image is being downloaded by crawler from nasa repository
downloaded : image is downloaded by crawler
running_r: image is ready to be processed/is being processed by worker node
finished: image successfully processed by worker node
fetching: image is being fetched into a swift
fetched: image successfully fetched
error: image execution returned error

Configuring SEBAL Engine

Getting all dependencies

Before configure SEBAL Engine, is necessary to get all dependencies and projects to use the application.

The first step is to get fogbow-manager, fogbow-cli, blowout and SEBAL Engine repositories from Git Hub with the command:

  git clone [repository-url]

The second step is to get all projects JAR to run application as expected. To achieve that, maven and maven2 must be installed in client's machine with commands:

  apt-get install maven
  apt-get install maven2

After that, simply use the following command in each project directory:

  mvn -e install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Infrastructure Deploy

Configuring deploy with keystone token

To configure SEBAL Engine deploy, is necessary to generate a token that will be used to order resources from Fogbow. For that, simply generate a token using the following fogbow-cli command:

  bash fogbow-cli/bin/fogbow-cli token --create --type openstack -Dusername=[user-name] -Dpassword=[password] -DauthUrl=[auth-url] -DtenantName=[tenant-name]

When token is generated, put it into a file and insert its path in sebal-engine/config/sebal.conf


Deploying Task Catalog and Scheduler

To deploy Task Catalog and Scheduler, run the command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/infrastructure/deploy_scheduler [private-key-path] [storage-size]

When finished, the above command will generate a file into scheduler/scheduler-info/scheduler-exec-info with all needed information about returned resource.

Deploying Crawler

To deploy Crawler, run the command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/infrastructure/deploy_crawler [private-key-path] [storage-size]

When finished, the above command will generate a file into crawler/crawler-info/crawler-exec-info with all needed information about returned resource.

Deploying Fetcher

To deploy Fetcher, run the command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/infrastructure/deploy_fetcher [private-key-path]

When finished, the above command will generate a file into fetcher/fetcher-info/fetcher-exec-info with all needed information about returned resource.

Using SEBAL Engine CLI

Using Catalog

To add LANDSAT images from a list of regions with first and last year, run the add command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/cli/catalog add [first-year] [last-year] [regions-file-path]

To get LANDSAT images from a list of regions with first and last year, run the get command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/cli/catalog get [first-year] [last-year] [regions-file-path]

To list corrupted LANDSAT images from Task Catalog, run the list-corrupted command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/cli/catalog list-corrupted

To list all LANDSAT images from Task Catalog, run the list command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/cli/catalog list

Using Crawler

To start Crawler application, run the Crawler CLI command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/cli/crawler [task-catalog-ip] [task-catalog-port] [federation-member]

Using Scheduler

To start Scheduler application, run the Scheduler CLI command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/cli/scheduler [task-catalog-ip] [task-catalog-port] [nfs-server-ip] [nfs-server-port]

Using Fetcher

To start Fetcher application, run the Fetcher CLI command:

  bash sebal-engine/scripts/cli/crawler [task-catalog-ip] [task-catalog-port] [ftp-server-ip] [ftp-server-port]