leg_bot is no more.
leg_bot is a twitch chat bot for the Loading Ready Run Fan Streamer Community.
- leg_bot gives track of any relevant stats (like !death or !warcrime) that the streamer wants kept track of.
- leg_bot gives "useful" !advice. This advice is shared between channels to make sure that one streamers troubles with punching robots can help another win a MTGO draft.
- leg_bot gives information about when the next LRR or fan stream starts (!nextlrr and !nextfan)
- !help makes leg_bot give you a link to this page.
- !nextlrr Tells you of any current and upcoming LRR streams.
- !nextfan Ditto for fan streams
Both of these commands can be followed with a timezone in the Continent/City format.
Many of leg_bots functions depend on it knowing what game is currently being played. This is regularly queried from the Twitch API, but channel moderators can override it. Leg_bot retrieves twith API data every 90 seconds.
- !game Shows what game leg_bot thinks is being played.
- !game override X Forces leg_bot to use X as the current game value. If you leave out X or set it to "off", leg_bot will revert to using the value given by Twitch.
The statistics system for leg_bot should be familiar to anyone who has used lrrbot or seen it in action.
- !stats gives you a list of statistics that leg_bot counts for the current channel. Use one of these instead of (stat) for the following commands.
- !(stat) increases the given stat by one.
- !total(stat) gives you a total count of the given statistic across all games.
- !(stat)count gives you a count of the given stat for the current game
Mod-only commands
- (stat) add X and (stat) remove X adds or removes a given ammount from the statistic for the current game. X defaults to 1 when not given.
- (stat) set X sets the value of the given statistic for the current game.
- !advice Makes leg_bot give an "useful" bit of advice.
- !advice source Shows information about the last given bit of advice: What channel is it from, what game was being played, and who added it.
- !advice count Shows you the ammount of advice that leg_bot knows.
- !advice add X This allows channel moderators to add X as a new advice. Note, that since advices are tied to games, you'll need to use !game override to set a game when adding advices when a stream isn't live. Also, to avoid any tomfoolery, a piece of advice cannot start with any nonalphanumeric characters.
- !live makes leg_bot give you a list of awesome channels that are live at the moment.
- !calendar makes leg_bot give you a link to the fan streamer calendar http://bit.ly/LRRFanStreamCalendar2
- !lrr makes leg_bot throw a link to http://www.loadingreadyrun.com to the channel.
- !fancrossing maksed leg_bot throw a link to the survivor_tv fan crossing spreadsheet.
I have tried to add as many channels of the LRR fan stream community to the !live command as I could find.
If I am missing any, let me know.