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The last game your computer will play...


Terminal Monopoly is a rapid-pace, eclectic game which merges a classic board game with retro graphics, while satisfying the modern need of constant stimulation. Played entirely over a computer's command line, Terminal Monopoly brings nostalgic feelings of ancient terminal games on the first computers, while ensuring anyone can play due to the minimal graphical and computing requirements.

Terminal Monopoly is only 25% board game. Inspired by inane but hilarious Yakuza-type side quests, overcomplicated mechanics like in Cookie Clicker, and minigames such as those in Mario Party, Terminal Monopoly has so much more to offer than just rolling dice.

Terminal Monopoly is written entirely in Python. The source code is available on GitHub

An initial release of Terminal Monopoly is expected to be completed by the end of Fall 2024 (roughly December).


Currently, Terminal Monopoly is still in-development. Check back in December 2024!


Interested in adding to Terminal Monopoly? This is a beginner-friendly project that anyone should feel welcome to work on. Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for how to get started.

The base Terminal Monopoly game will have a large collection of modules which should promote a large number of playstyles, but if you have ideas for modules, code them up and create a pull request! This game is always looking for creative additions.

In the future, Terminal Monopoly may support "direct modding," that is, an interface will be available which will make module creation very simple.