ug00gu / Self-Development-BOT

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Constructive Video Recommandation CHATBOT by KAKAO

1. Information

1.1 Technical Specifications

1.2 Development Period

2017.11.11 ~

2. Background

We can watch many videos everywhere, everytime thanks to amazing service, YOUTUBE which is most popular video platform in the world. But it's obvious that there are a lot of videos you could never watch until you die and might contain inappropriate or offensive content in YOUTUBE. Nevertheless, the amount of time of people watch videos is increasing steadly. So this CHATBOT helps people who is spending time chose in constructive way.

3. Description

In Kakao, you can watch video as well as chat without any changing application. So chatting with 'Develobot' recommands you some videos that could be helpful. To utlize it extremely, you can chooses the interest what you have. And maybe, using the crawler by python, it will be updated periodically as long as the free trial of AMAZON WEB SERVER is over.