ugermann / ssplit-cpp

Approximate reimplementation of the sentence splitter from the Moses toolkit.
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This is an approximate reimplementation of the sentence splitter from the Moses toolkit.

Build instructions

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j

This produces an executable ssplit.


Command line:

run ssplit -h for usage instructions.

In Code (Example)

#include "ssplit.h"


std::string prefix_file = "path/to/moses-style/prefix-file";
ug::ssplit::SentenceSplitter ssplit(prefix_file);


std::string chunk_of_text = "Sentence one. Sentence two.\nSentence three. Sentence four.";
ug::ssplit::splitmode mode = ug::ssplit::splitmode::one_paragraph_per_line;
ug::sssplit::SentenceStream sentence_stream(chunk_of_text, ssplit, mode);
std::string_view snt;

while(sentence_stream >> snt) { // false means end of chunk
  if (snt.size() == 0) {
    // empty string_view means end of paragraph except in one_sentence_per_line mode,
    // which just returns one line (minus leading and training whitespace) at a time
    // For one_paragraph_per_line each empty paragraph results in snt.size() == 0
    // twice in a row: first the em
  else { // this is the next non-empty paragraph