uhlmanngroup / muMatch

Pipeline for putting surface meshes into correspondence
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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µMatch: 3D shape correspondence for microscopy data

µMatch (microMatch) is a shape correspondense library for a variety of mesh types.


Installation for development mode

Getting started

Once the package has been installed the pipeline can be tested with:

from micro_match.pipeline import run_micromatch_test


This analysis pipeline runs all steps of the microMatch pipeline on the example data we provide in the example_data folder and can be used as a basis to use microMatch on your own data. It also illustrates some basic shape analysis outputs that can be retreived once correspondence has been established.

Feel free to adjust the pipeline for your needs in the "micro_match/run_pipeline.py" file.

We also provide a further example of visualization of the correspondence map in the jupyter notebook scalar_plotting.ipynb. Once run_pipeline.py has been run once, scalar_plotting.ipynb can be explored in your browser through the jupyter notebook interface by running

jupyter notebook

with the muMatch conda environment activated (see Installation above).


Optional: automatic house-keeping

To maintain a good code base, you can setup pre-commit hooks to:

To setup pre-commit setup, you can type when your environment is activated:

pip install pre-commit black flake8 isort
pre-commit install

How to cite

If you use µMatch, please cite us as follows:

J. Klatzow, G. Dalmasso, N. Martinez-Abadias, J. Sharpe, and V. Uhlmann, "μMatch: 3D shape correspondence for microscopy data", Frontiers in Computer Science, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomp.2022.777615