uhyo / jinrou

Are you a werewolf?
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== 月下人狼 == Are you a werewolf?

[http://jinrou.uhyohyo.net/ 月下人狼サーバー]稼働中! == version == 1.15.1

== requirements ==

== usage ==

Copy the source code

git clone git://github.com/uhyo/jinrou.git

Install dependencies

cd jinrou

npm install


cp -r config.default config

edit config/app.coffee

Build front-end scripts

cd front

npm install

npm run production-build

cd ..

Run databases

run MongoDB

run redis

Run the application serverj

SS_ENV=production SS_PACK=1 node app.js

== development == To run in development mode, just run node app.js.

=== notes on front-end scripts === Built assets will be placed at client/static/front-assets. Also, intermediate files are placed at front/dist-esm.

Building procedures are cpu- and memory- expensive. If you do not want to build on your server, you can build locally and copy the results to the server.

For development, use npm run watch in the front/ directory to keey updating the front-end assets.

In production mode, contents of client/static/front-assets/ can be served with Cache-Control: immutable. This will increace the effect of caches.

== using Docker == Optionally, one can use Docker to run the jinrou service.

The Dockerfile file and docker directory are only for this purpose.

=== docker image === To build the docker image for jinrou, run docker build . in the project directory. Dockerfile defines the image.

=== docker-compose === To run jinrou in an isolated environment using docker-compose, enther docker directory and run docker-compose up --build. This starts the jinrou docker image along with mongodb and redis Docker containers. The docker/config.docker directory contains a config file for running jinrou in this environment.

== jobs == 全80種くらい?

=== 基本 ===


=== options ===