ui5-community / ui5-journey-recorder

Record using your UI5 app and export to wdi5 + OPA5!
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 1 forks source link

UI5 Journey Recorder

The UI5 Journey Recorder is a Chrome-Extension. It is used to record and generate test journeys for UI5.

The recorded journeys can be used to generate OPA5 or wdi5 test code.

# Installation The _UI5 Journey Recorder_ can be installed via the [Chrome WebStore](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ui5-journey-recorder/clhcepeibbgcdmhalaaomdpofecmgimf). After that the _UI5 Journey Recorder_ can be accessed via the Extension Menu at the top right of **Chrome**. Another way to install the _UI5 Journey Recorder_ is via the setup of the [development environment](./docs/Contribution.md).
In the end you can open the extension via the extension menu at the top right of Chrome: ![Extension Menu](./docs/img/ExtensionMenu.png) Another way to install the _UI5 Journey Recorder_ is to download the zip of a release from the release section of github and unpack it where you want. Then go to the extension site of chrome ([chrome://extensions](chrome://extensions)) and load the unpacked extension by using the button at the left top corner ![Load unpacked](./docs/img/LoadUnpacked.png). ## License This work is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and the Derived Beer-ware 🍺 License. The official license will be Apache 2.0 but finally you can choose between one of them if you use this work. Thus, when you like this stuff, buy [any (or all 😆) of the contributors](https://github.com/ui5-community/ui5-journey-recorder/graphs/contributors) a beer when you see them.