Octavia - Vuetify Admin dashboard Template
Octavia Admin Pro is a Modern & beautiful Admin Dashboard built over Vuetify, Vuex and Vuejs. It will help you get started and quickly developing dashboards in no time. Using This Dashboard is pretty simple Component Based Admin but requires basic knowledge of Javascript, Vuejs and Vue-Router.
Getting Started
Project setup Using NPM
npm install
- if this is not work try :
npm cache clean --force
npm intall --legacy-peer-deps
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Vuetify is an Open Source UI Library that is developed exactly according to Material Design spec. Every component is handcrafted to bring you the best possible UI tools to your next great app. The development doesn't stop at the core components outlined in Google's spec. Through the support of community members and sponsors, additional components will be designed and made available for everyone to enjoy.
The documentation for Vuetify is hosted here.
Not all components that are available in this project are part of the Template and may be a default Vuetify component
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. It also integrates with Vue's official devtools extension to provide advanced features such as zero-config time-travel debugging and state snapshot export / import.
We used the latest 3.x Vue CLI which aims to reduce project configuration
to as little as possible. Almost everything is inside package.json
+ some other related files such as
, .eslintrc.js
and .postcssrc.js
Let us know what you think and what we can improve below. And good luck with development!
Table of Contents
Quick Start
- Install Nodejs from the official Nodejs page
- Install Yarn from the official Yarn installation page.
- Unzip the
file downloaded from Vuetify
- Create a folder named
and unzip the theme.zip
file provided by the previous step
- Open your terminal and navigate to the
- Run
yarn install
to install the project's dependencies
- Run
yarn serve
to start a local development server
You can also run additional tasks such as
yarn run build
to build your app for production
yarn run lint
to run linting.
Project setup Using NPM
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
File Structure
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files:
Octavia Admin/
|-- .gitignore
|-- .htaccess
|-- babel.config.js
|-- debug.log
|-- description.html
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
|-- README.md
|-- server.js
|-- vue.config.js
|-- public
| |-- .htaccess
| |-- android-chrome-192x192.png
| |-- android-chrome-512x512.png
| |-- apple-touch-icon.png
| |-- browserconfig.xml
| |-- favicon-16x16.png
| |-- favicon-32x32.png
| |-- favicon.ico
| |-- index.html
| |-- mstile-144x144.png
| |-- mstile-150x150.png
| |-- mstile-310x150.png
| |-- mstile-310x310.png
| |-- mstile-70x70.png
| |-- robots.txt
| |-- safari-pinned-tab.svg
| |-- site.webmanifest
| |-- _redirects
|-- src
|-- App.vue
|-- main.js
|-- themeConfig.js
|-- assets
| |-- logo.png
| |-- logo.svg
| |-- css
| | |-- tailwind.css
| |-- fonts
| | |-- gijgo
| | | |-- gijgo-material.eot
| | | |-- gijgo-material.svg
| | | |-- gijgo-material.ttf
| | | |-- gijgo-material.woff
| | |-- iconsmind
| | |-- iconsmind.css
| | |-- iconsmind.eot
| | |-- iconsmind.svg
| | |-- iconsmind.ttf
| | |-- iconsmind.woff
| |-- images
| | |-- Angular_Icon.png
| | |-- arctic-circle-logo.svg
| | |-- arctic-logo.svg
| | |-- arctic-white-circle.svg
| | |-- bg-1.png
| | |-- bootstrap-logo.png
| | |-- checkmark.svg
| | |-- circles.png
| | |-- close.svg
| | |-- danger.svg
| | |-- dots.png
| | |-- egret.png
| | |-- Html_Icon.png
| | |-- info.svg
| | |-- laravel-logo.png
| | |-- logo.svg
| | |-- mac_book.jpg
| | |-- master-card.png
| | |-- page-bg-bottom.png
| | |-- photo-long-1.jpg
| | |-- photo-long-2.jpg
| | |-- photo-long-3.jpg
| | |-- photo-long-4.jpg
| | |-- photo-wide-1.jpg
| | |-- photo-wide-2.jpg
| | |-- photo-wide-3.jpg
| | |-- photo-wide-5.jpeg
| | |-- ps.png
| | |-- react.png
| | |-- Sass_icon.png
| | |-- signin-left.jpg
| | |-- trianglefy.png
| | |-- vue.png
| | |-- waterfall.jpg
| | |-- webpack.png
| | |-- avatars
| | | |-- 001-man.svg
| | | |-- 002-woman.svg
| | | |-- 003-man-1.svg
| | | |-- 004-bald.svg
| | | |-- 005-man-2.svg
| | | |-- 006-woman-1.svg
| | | |-- 007-woman-2.svg
| | |-- BrandSVG
| | | |-- apple.svg
| | | |-- asus.svg
| | | |-- cisco.svg
| | | |-- dell.svg
| | | |-- intel.svg
| | | |-- lg.svg
| | | |-- motorola.svg
| | | |-- vaio.svg
| | |-- cities
| | | |-- city-1.jpg
| | | |-- city-2.jpg
| | | |-- city-3.jpg
| | | |-- city-cars-road-houses.jpg
| | | |-- pexels-photo-129830.jpeg
| | | |-- pexels-photo-466685.jpeg
| | |-- country
| | | |-- china.jpg
| | | |-- dubai.jpg
| | | |-- new_york.jpg
| | | |-- paris.jpg
| | |-- faces
| | | |-- 1.jpg
| | | |-- 10.jpg
| | | |-- 12.jpg
| | | |-- 13.jpg
| | | |-- 15.jpg
| | | |-- 16.jpg
| | | |-- 17.jpg
| | | |-- 2.jpg
| | | |-- 3.jpg
| | | |-- 4.jpg
| | | |-- 5.jpg
| | | |-- 9.jpg
| | |-- file-types
| | | |-- 001-pdf.svg
| | | |-- 002-psd.svg
| | | |-- 004-xlsx.svg
| | |-- gallery
| | | |-- section-bg-1.jpg
| | | |-- sq-10.jpg
| | | |-- sq-11.jpg
| | | |-- sq-12.jpg
| | | |-- sq-13.jpg
| | | |-- sq-15.jpg
| | | |-- sq-16.jpg
| | | |-- sq-17.jpg
| | | |-- sq-4.jpg
| | | |-- sq-5.jpg
| | | |-- sq-6.jpg
| | | |-- sq-7.jpg
| | | |-- sq-8.jpg
| | | |-- sq-9.jpg
| | |-- illustrations
| | | |-- baby.svg
| | | |-- badge-1.svg
| | | |-- badge-2.svg
| | | |-- badge-3.svg
| | | |-- breaking_barriers.svg
| | | |-- business_deal.svg
| | | |-- designer.svg
| | | |-- done.svg
| | | |-- done_2.svg
| | | |-- lighthouse.svg
| | | |-- posting_photo.svg
| | | |-- rocket.svg
| | | |-- tick.svg
| | | |-- undraw_monitor.svg
| | | |-- upgrade.svg
| | | |-- ecomerce
| | | | |-- chair-2.svg
| | | | |-- chair-3.svg
| | | | |-- chair.svg
| | | | |-- furniture.svg
| | | |-- pricing
| | | |-- for_business.svg
| | | |-- plan.svg
| | | |-- undraw_analyze.svg
| | | |-- undraw_businessman.svg
| | | |-- undraw_businesswoman.svg
| | | |-- undraw_Graduation.svg
| | | |-- undraw_investing.svg
| | | |-- undraw_map.svg
| | | |-- undraw_map_2.svg
| | | |-- undraw_plans.svg
| | | |-- undraw_setup.svg
| | | |-- undraw_unicorn.svg
| | | |-- undraw_world.svg
| | |-- logos
| | | |-- 001-spotify.svg
| | | |-- 003-apple.svg
| | | |-- 004-windows.svg
| | | |-- 005-google.svg
| | | |-- angular.png
| | | |-- bootstrap.png
| | | |-- logo-1.png
| | | |-- logo-2.png
| | | |-- logo-3.png
| | | |-- logo-4.png
| | | |-- logo-5.png
| | | |-- logo-6.png
| | | |-- logo-7.png
| | | |-- logo-8.png
| | | |-- logo-9.png
| | | |-- logo-circle.svg
| | | |-- logo.svg
| | | |-- react.png
| | | |-- sass.png
| | | |-- webpack.png
| | |-- payment-card
| | | |-- 004-visa.svg
| | | |-- maestro.png
| | | |-- master-card.png
| | | |-- paypal-2.png
| | | |-- paypal.png
| | | |-- visa-2.png
| | | |-- visa.png
| | |-- products
| | | |-- 1.png
| | | |-- 10.png
| | | |-- 11.png
| | | |-- 12.png
| | | |-- 13.png
| | | |-- 14.png
| | | |-- 15.png
| | | |-- 16.png
| | | |-- 17.png
| | | |-- 18.png
| | | |-- 19.png
| | | |-- 2.png
| | | |-- 20.png
| | | |-- 21.png
| | | |-- 22.png
| | | |-- 23.png
| | | |-- 24.png
| | | |-- 25.png
| | | |-- 26.png
| | | |-- 27.png
| | | |-- 28.png
| | | |-- 29.png
| | | |-- 3.png
| | | |-- 30.png
| | | |-- 31.png
| | | |-- 32.png
| | | |-- 33.png
| | | |-- 34.png
| | | |-- 35.png
| | | |-- 36.png
| | | |-- 37.png
| | | |-- 38.png
| | | |-- 39.png
| | | |-- 4.png
| | | |-- 40.png
| | | |-- 41.png
| | | |-- 42.png
| | | |-- 43.png
| | | |-- 44.png
| | | |-- 45.png
| | | |-- 46.png
| | | |-- 47.png
| | | |-- 48.png
| | | |-- 49.png
| | | |-- 5.png
| | | |-- 50.png
| | | |-- 51.png
| | | |-- 52.png
| | | |-- 6.png
| | | |-- 7.png
| | | |-- 8.png
| | | |-- 9.png
| | | |-- cloud-346710_1280.png
| | | |-- headphone-1.jpg
| | | |-- headphone-2.jpg
| | | |-- headphone-3.jpg
| | | |-- headphone-4.jpg
| | | |-- iphone-1.jpg
| | | |-- iphone-2.jpg
| | | |-- photo-wide-2.jpg
| | | |-- speaker-1.jpg
| | | |-- speaker-2.jpg
| | | |-- watch-1.jpg
| | | |-- watch-2.jpg
| | | |-- weather-2.jpg
| | | |-- weather.jpg
| | | |-- accessories
| | | | |-- wireless.png
| | | |-- audio
| | | | |-- earbuds.png
| | | | |-- earphone.png
| | | | |-- microphone.png
| | | | |-- speaker.png
| | | |-- fashion
| | | | |-- t-shirt-2.png
| | | | |-- t-shirt-3.png
| | | | |-- t-shirt-4.png
| | | | |-- t-shirt-5.png
| | | | |-- t-shirt.png
| | | |-- mobile
| | | |-- samsung.png
| | |-- screenshots
| | | |-- dashboard.v1.png
| | | |-- dashboard.v2.png
| | | |-- layout1.png
| | | |-- layout2.png
| | | |-- layout23.png
| | | |-- layout3.png
| | | |-- layout4.png
| | |-- svg
| | |-- activity.svg
| | |-- add-contact.svg
| | |-- architecture-and-city.svg
| | |-- art-and-design.svg
| | |-- artist.svg
| | |-- block.svg
| | |-- booking-online.svg
| | |-- brands-and-logotypes.svg
| | |-- business-and-finance.svg
| | |-- calendar.svg
| | |-- company.svg
| | |-- contact.svg
| | |-- customer.svg
| | |-- data-security-2.svg
| | |-- data-security.svg
| | |-- database.svg
| | |-- donald-trump.svg
| | |-- download.svg
| | |-- error.svg
| | |-- experience.svg
| | |-- folder.svg
| | |-- gift.svg
| | |-- goal.svg
| | |-- google-logo.svg
| | |-- google-photos.svg
| | |-- growth.svg
| | |-- link.svg
| | |-- log-in.svg
| | |-- login.svg
| | |-- mail.svg
| | |-- man.svg
| | |-- maps-and-location-2.svg
| | |-- maps-and-location.svg
| | |-- mobile-banking.svg
| | |-- money.svg
| | |-- online-payment.svg
| | |-- password-manager.svg
| | |-- placeholder.svg
| | |-- remove-user.svg
| | |-- search.svg
| | |-- secret.svg
| | |-- seo-and-web.svg
| | |-- share.svg
| | |-- skycraper.svg
| | |-- startup.svg
| | |-- subscription.svg
| | |-- team.svg
| | |-- timeline.svg
| | |-- ui.svg
| | |-- warning.svg
| | |-- wrench.svg
| | |-- youtube.svg
| |-- js
| | |-- app
| | | |-- app.js
| | | |-- egretCusomizer.js
| | | |-- headerMenu.js
| | | |-- layout1.js
| | | |-- layout2.js
| | | |-- layout3.js
| | | |-- layout4.js
| | | |-- mobileHeader.js
| | | |-- search.js
| | | |-- secondarySidebar.js
| | | |-- sidebarPanel.js
| | | |-- stickyHeader.js
| | | |-- utils.js
| | | |-- wizard.js
| | |-- data
| | |-- countries.json
| | |-- datatable.json
| | |-- series.js
| | |-- template-list.json
| |-- scss
| |-- octavia-design-system
| |-- octavia-design-system.scss
| |-- _reboot.scss
| |-- functions
| | |-- _color.function.scss
| | |-- _functions.scss
| |-- mixins
| | |-- _animation.scss
| | |-- _badge.scss
| | |-- _border.scss
| | |-- _buttons.scss
| | |-- _card.scss
| | |-- _hover.scss
| | |-- _icons.scss
| | |-- _mixins.scss
| | |-- _responsive.scss
| | |-- _shadow.scss
| | |-- _typography.scss
| |-- utilities
| | |-- _animations.scss
| | |-- _avatar.scss
| | |-- _border.scss
| | |-- _colors.scss
| | |-- _height-width.scss
| | |-- _shadow.scss
| | |-- _spacing.scss
| | |-- _typography.scss
| | |-- _utilities.scss
| | |-- _z-index.scss
| |-- variables
| | |-- _animation.scss
| | |-- _base.scss
| | |-- _border.scss
| | |-- _buttons.scss
| | |-- _colors.scss
| | |-- _shadows.scss
| | |-- _spacing.scss
| | |-- _typography.scss
| | |-- _variables.scss
| | |-- _z-index.scss
| |-- views
| |-- _dark.scss
|-- auth
| |-- authenticate.js
|-- components
| |-- README.md
| |-- base
| | |-- Card.vue
| | |-- HoverButton.vue
| | |-- item.vue
| | |-- itemGroup.vue
| | |-- itemSubGroup.vue
| | |-- OutlineButton.vue
| |-- card
| |-- AnalyticCardVersionOne.vue
| |-- AnalyticCardVersionTwo.vue
| |-- AvatarGroupCard.vue
| |-- BasicInfoCard.vue
| |-- ChartCard.vue
| |-- CryptoCurrencyCard.vue
| |-- DonationCard.vue
| |-- LmsCard.vue
| |-- PriceCard.vue
| |-- TestCard.vue
| |-- listCard
| |-- ListCard.vue
| |-- ListCardRow.vue
| |-- ListCardThree.vue
| |-- ListCardTwo.vue
|-- data
| |-- analytic.js
| |-- analytic2.js
| |-- apexChart.js
| |-- apexDataSeries.js
| |-- chat.js
| |-- config.js
| |-- cryptoCurrency.js
| |-- dashboard1.js
| |-- dashboard2.js
| |-- dashboard3.js
| |-- demographics.js
| |-- echarts.js
| |-- echartSeries.js
| |-- jobManagement.js
| |-- learningManagement.js
| |-- navigation.js
| |-- products.js
| |-- sales2.js
| |-- voiceInteraction.js
| |-- widgetChart.js
| |-- widgetStatistics.js
|-- fake-db
| |-- index.js
| |-- mock.js
| |-- data
| |-- chat.js
| |-- ecommerce.js
| |-- note.js
| |-- todo.js
|-- lang
| |-- lang.js
| |-- i18n
| |-- bn.json
| |-- de.json
| |-- en.json
|-- layouts
| |-- base
| | |-- AppBar.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- View.vue
| |-- common-drawer
| | |-- Customizer.vue
| | |-- NotificationDrawer.vue
| | |-- SearchDrawer.vue
| | |-- UserDrawer.vue
| |-- horizontal
| | |-- AppBar.vue
| | |-- Footer.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- Sidebar.vue
| | |-- TopNavbar.vue
| | |-- TopNavMenu.vue
| | |-- UserDrawer.vue
| | |-- View.vue
| |-- vertical
| | |-- AppBar.vue
| | |-- Footer.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- Sidebar.vue
| | |-- SubHeader.vue
| | |-- View.vue
| |-- vertical-compact-layout
| | |-- AppBar.vue
| | |-- Footer.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- Sidebar.vue
| | |-- View.vue
| |-- vertical-saas-layout
| |-- AppBar.vue
| |-- Footer.vue
| |-- Index.vue
| |-- Sidebar.vue
| |-- View.vue
|-- plugins
| |-- apexChart.js
| |-- base.js
| |-- index.js
| |-- octavia.kit.js
| |-- vuetify.js
| |-- webfontloader.js
|-- router
| |-- index.js
|-- scss
| |-- variable.scss
|-- store
| |-- index.js
| |-- modules
| |-- authData.js
| |-- cart.js
| |-- chat.js
| |-- compactSidebar.js
| |-- hridoy.jsx
| |-- invoice.js
| |-- largeSidebar.js
| |-- note.js
| |-- scrumboard.js
| |-- themeConfig.js
| |-- verticalSidebar.js
|-- views
|-- app
| |-- Index.vue
| |-- apps
| | |-- Chat.vue
| | |-- FileManager.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- Note.vue
| | |-- Scrumboard.vue
| | |-- Todo.vue
| |-- charts
| | |-- Charts.vue
| | |-- apexChart
| | |-- ApexAreaChart.vue
| | |-- ApexBarChart.vue
| | |-- ApexChart.vue
| | |-- ApexColumnChart.vue
| | |-- ApexLineChart.vue
| | |-- ApexMixChart.vue
| | |-- ApexPieChart.vue
| | |-- ApexRadarChart.vue
| | |-- ApexRadialBarChart.vue
| | |-- ApexScatterChart.vue
| | |-- ApexSparklineChart.vue
| | |-- CustomApexChart.vue
| |-- customTable
| | |-- CustomTable.vue
| | |-- TableOne.vue
| | |-- TableThree.vue
| | |-- TableTwo.vue
| |-- dashboard
| | |-- Analytic.vue
| | |-- AnalyticExtra.vue
| | |-- CryptoCurrency.vue
| | |-- Donation.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- JobManagement.vue
| | |-- LearningManagement.vue
| | |-- Sales.vue
| |-- ecommerce
| | |-- CartDrawer.vue
| | |-- Ecommerce.vue
| | |-- EcommerceProductCheckout.vue
| | |-- EcommerceProductDetails.vue
| | |-- EcommerceProductList.vue
| |-- extraUiKits
| | |-- BottomNavigation.vue
| | |-- BottomSheets.vue
| | |-- Calendars.vue
| | |-- Cards.vue
| | |-- Circular.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- Linear.vue
| | |-- List.vue
| | |-- Paginations.vue
| | |-- Ratings.vue
| | |-- Tabs.vue
| |-- forms
| | |-- ComboBox.vue
| | |-- DatePicker.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- Inputs.vue
| | |-- OverflowButtons.vue
| | |-- SelectionControls.vue
| | |-- Selects.vue
| | |-- Sliders.vue
| | |-- Textarea.vue
| | |-- TextFields.vue
| | |-- TimePicker.vue
| | |-- Validation.vue
| |-- pages
| | |-- Blank.vue
| | |-- Pages.vue
| | |-- account
| | | |-- Account.vue
| | | |-- AccountData.vue
| | | |-- AccountHome.vue
| | | |-- AccountPayment.vue
| | | |-- AccountPeople.vue
| | | |-- AccountPersonalInfo.vue
| | | |-- AccountSecurity.vue
| | |-- faq
| | | |-- Faq.vue
| | | |-- FaqOne.vue
| | | |-- FaqThree.vue
| | | |-- FaqTwo.vue
| | |-- invoice
| | | |-- EditInvoice.vue
| | | |-- Invoice.vue
| | | |-- InvoiceVerOne.vue
| | | |-- InvoiceVerTwo.vue
| | |-- list
| | | |-- List.vue
| | | |-- ListColumnOne.vue
| | | |-- ListColumnRow.vue
| | | |-- ListColumnThree.vue
| | | |-- ListColumnTwo.vue
| | |-- pricing
| | | |-- Pricing.vue
| | | |-- PricingVerOne.vue
| | | |-- PricingVerThree.vue
| | | |-- PricingVerTwo.vue
| | |-- profile
| | | |-- Profile.vue
| | | |-- ProfileOne.vue
| | | |-- ProfileTwo.vue
| | |-- projects
| | | |-- Overview.vue
| | | |-- Projects.vue
| | | |-- Todo.vue
| | |-- widgets
| | |-- General.vue
| | |-- WidgetCharts.vue
| | |-- Widgets.vue
| | |-- WidgetsTable.vue
| |-- sessions
| | |-- Error.vue
| | |-- Forgot.vue
| | |-- Lockscreen.vue
| | |-- Sessions.vue
| | |-- SignIn.vue
| | |-- SignInFive.vue
| | |-- SignInFour.vue
| | |-- SignInThree.vue
| | |-- SignInTwo.vue
| | |-- SignUp.vue
| | |-- SignUpFive.vue
| | |-- SignUpTwo.vue
| |-- tables
| | |-- DataIterators.vue
| | |-- DataTables.vue
| | |-- Index.vue
| | |-- SimpleTables.vue
| |-- test
| | |-- Test.vue
| | |-- Testing-2.vue
| | |-- Testing.vue
| |-- uiKits
| |-- Accordion.vue
| |-- Alerts.vue
| |-- Avatar.vue
| |-- Badge.vue
| |-- Button.vue
| |-- Chips.vue
| |-- FileInputs.vue
| |-- Index.vue
| |-- Snackbar.vue
| |-- Sparklines.vue
| |-- Stepper.vue
| |-- ToolTip.vue
| |-- TreeView.vue
|-- home
| |-- Index.vue
|-- uiKits
|-- button.vue
Octavia Admin – VueJs and Vuetify Admin Dashboard Template is clean, feature rich, extraordinarily customizable & developer friendly admin dashboard template.
We’ve followed highest industry standard for Octavia & wrote detailed documentation for the ease of use & customization. Moreover, our dedicated support team is always ready to help you. You can also report bug and submit feature request HERE
Octavia is Ultra Fast , Check Speed Here
Octavia Admin Dashboard comes with stunningly designed equipped to apply dashboard interfaces, web page templates, components, plugins with Dark & Light color scheme & RTL
List of some pages & Features From Octavia Admin
Octavia Provide Built in Firebase Authentication , Prebuilt Applications with Mock Data to help you quick start your project.
Vuex as State Manager
Horizontal Navigation
Vertical Navigation
Compact Navigation
SaaS Navigation
Fully Responsive
And Many More .....
Browser Support
Octavia aims to support all evergreen browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc) and Internet Explorer 11 (IE11)
Reporting Issues
We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the Octavia Admin Pro theme. Here is some advice for our users that want to report an issue:
- Providing us reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed.
- Some issues may be browser specific, so specifying what browser you encountered the issue will be helpful.
Technical Support or Questions
If you have questions or need help integrating the product please file an issue here.
All applications are built using Vue and Vuetify and use best standards and practices for optimal performance and accessibility. Each template is built mobile first and scales down to 320px width (iPhone 5). Each theme supports all evergreen browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc) and Internet Explorer 11 (IE11).
Each theme comes with full support for all of Vuetify's features including components, directives and more. For more information on available features, visit the API Explorer in the Vuetify documentation.
Useful Links