uis-no / uis-thesis

Thesis Template for the University of Stavanger
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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Thesis Template for University of Stavanger

This thesis template is meant to follow the University of Stavanger's guidelines for graphical profile and visual communications. The template is inspired by the official PhD thesis cover.

You have the possibility to choose between a number of different color combinations and designs for the cover.

Terms of Use

The template code itself is released under the LaTeX Project Public License.

The use of the image material in the logo folders is restricted as follows:

The images can be used by students and employees of the University of Stavanger for official document production. Images cannot be used for any other purpose without written consent from the University of Stavanger, Department of communication and public affairs (AKS). Page 2 or the last page of the report must credit the photographer if a photo is used.


See the example.tex file for additional details.

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{book}

% Optional: UiS recommended font for body text
% \setmainfont{Georgia}

\title{New Directions in Machine-verifiable\\ Progress Credentials and Fully Automated and Transparent Admissions Process}
\authors{Hein Meling}
% Optional: specify path to photo
% \photo{photos/cern}

% Insert thesis content here


To compile your document use either the xelatex or lualatex engines. These are modern LaTeX engines that can use modern fonts via the fontspec package.

xelatex example

I'm not aware of any problems using these alternatives over pdflatex, but please report any issues in the issue tracker.

Package Options

The following package options are currently supported:

Option Description
print Align logo placement with color box to facilitate printing

Package Commands

The package supports the following commands:

Command Description
\title May use \\ to force line breaks
\authors Multiple authors should be separate with , and and
\department Lower case department abbreviations, e.g., ide and imbm
\reporttype Supported: bachelor, master, phd, and tr
\specialization Currently, only cs, ds, ee, med are supported; more to be added
\photo Optional: Specify path to photo on cover page
\photocredit Cover page photographer may be required
\uiscover Display cover page, values 1-9 provide different color schemes
\uisbackcover Display back cover using the same color schemes as front cover
\faculty Currently, only tn is supported
\restricted Use to print Restricted Access on cover page

I recommend to use only one of \department or \faculty to keep the page clean. Typically, bachelor and master thesis types should use \department, while the phd type should use \faculty. However, you can use both if you prefer.

Report types phd and tr should specify the thesis/report number in square brackets as follows:


PhD thesis and technical report types ignores the \specialization{} command, so it is not necessary. However, bachelor and master thesis reports must specify the specialization, as follows:


Photo on Cover Page

Example: Cover page with a photo placed in photos/cern.

\photocredit{Ansel Adams}

Language Options

The template supports norsk, nynorsk and any variant of english. You can specify the language as an option to the bable package or in the \documentclass.

Note that nynorsk support requires v1.11 of the translations package; hence make sure to update your TeX distribution.

Installing Fonts (Linux)

The cover page requires the Tahoma font, which comes preinstalled on macOS and Windows. However, for Linux you may need to install the Tahoma font:

On Arch Linux:

yay -S ttf-tahoma

For Ubuntu, see this thread on askubuntu.com.

Known Issues

Thanks and Contributions