ujamii / prometheus-sentry-exporter

Exports sentry project metrics for prometheus.
MIT License
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openmetrics prometheus prometheus-exporter sentry sentry-onpremise

Exporter for sentry data in prometheus format

This package uses the Sentry web api to query for some statistics and outputs them in OpenMetrics format to be scraped by prometheus.

You can also fire it up as a docker container.


Using this exporter with Composer or Docker, you will need the hostname of your sentry installation and an auth token, which you can create via https://<YOUR-SENTRY-HOST>/api/ if you're working with the Sentry self hosted. If you're working with Sentry cloud, you will need to create the token via https://sentry.io/settings/account/api/auth-tokens/.

with Composer


composer req ujamii/prometheus-sentry-exporter

Usage in your custom file

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$sentryBase = 'https://<YOUR-SENTRY-HOST>/api/0/';
$token      = '<AUTH-TOKEN>'; // get from https://<YOUR-SENTRY-HOST>/api/

$exporter = new \Ujamii\OpenMetrics\Sentry\SentryExporter($token, $sentryBase);

with Docker

The image is based on php:8.1-apache and thus exposes data on port 80 by default. Assuming you fire this up with -p 80:80 on localhost, you can see the metrics on http://localhost/metrics.

Configuration is done with 3 env variables: SENTRY_HOST, AUTH_TOKEN, USE_THROTTLING and HTTP_PROTO. The first 2 are mandatory, HTTP_PROTO is optional and set to https by default. If you're working with the Sentry Cloud, your SENTRY_HOST variable must be "sentry.io" When you set USE_THROTTLING to true/TRUE or 1, the exporter will throttle the API requests to prevent a rate limit. This is useful if you have a lot of projects and/or a lot of issues.

docker run -d --name sentry-prometheus -e SENTRY_HOST=sentry.foobar.com -e AUTH_TOKEN=foobarlongtoken -p "80:80" ghcr.io/ujamii/prometheus-sentry-exporter

Docker discontinues support for the free docker hub registry for orgs. The image is now available on GitHub Container Registry


The script will generate something like:

# TYPE sentry_open_issue_events gauge
# HELP sentry_open_issue_events Number of events for one unresolved issue.
sentry_open_issue_events{project_slug="foobar", project_name="Foo Bar", issue_logger="php", issue_type="error", issue_link="https://<SENTRY-HOST>/<ORGANIZATION>/<PROJECT>/issues/1797/", issue_level="error"} 16.000000