ujamjar / hardcaml-yosys

[DEPRECATED] Import verilog designs into hardcaml using yosys
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Use the opensource verilog synthesis tool Yosys to read a synthesizable verilog design, convert it to a structural netlist and save it in a JSON file.

This library can read the JSON netlist file and reconstruct the design in HardCaml.


HardCaml does not support tri-state buffers in general. Circuits with tri-states will not work.

A few simlib primitives are not supported in the techlib. These either wont work in HardCaml (ie latches) or have yet to be implemented. In these cases a blackbox module is generated (the implementation of which can be taken from the yosys simlib).

Status Modules
to do shiftx, fsm, macc, alu
bbox only sr, dlatch, dlatchsr
no support planned tribuf, div, mod, pow, memwr, memrd, meminit, assert, assume, equiv


Yosys can represent memories in a variety of ways

  1. Synthesized into technology primitives (ie Xilinx block RAM) Supported by black boxes
  2. Converted to registers and muxes fully supported
  3. As a $mem cell supported with some limitations
  4. As a combination of $memwr, $memrd and $meminit cells not supported

The 2nd option is quite general and should be usable in most cases. That said the netlist will now implement all memories as registers so the design - as HardCaml sees it - may not be very efficient. Uses the following command in yosys.

yosys> memory -dff

The third option will attempt to keep memories, but implement them using HardCaml memory primitives. HardCaml only supports memories with one read and one write port whereas in general we need to support multi-port memories with

To support yosys we use a construction called a LVT multi-port memory which builds more general memory structures from simpler single port memories. The following limitations are known

  1. only supports 1 write clock domain
  2. read-before-write and write-before-read behaviour only really makes sense if the read and write clocks are in the same clock domain.
  3. Memory initialisation is not supported.

In yosys use;

yosys> memory -nomap; opt; clean


Yosys usage

A simple design with a single module may be converted with;

yosys> read_verilog design.v;     # load design
yosys> hierarchy; proc; flatten;  # structural conversion
yosys> write_json design.json     # write json netlist

In larger designs with multiple modules and/or memories this might be extended to;

yosys> read_verilog design.v       # load design
yosys> hierarchy -top <top_module> # select top level module
yosys> proc; flatten               # structural conversion
yosys> memory -nomap               # convert memories
yosys> opt -mux_undef; clean       # tidy up netlist
yosys> write_json design.json      # write json netlist

HardCaml usage

#require "hardcaml-yosys";;

let convert json_file core_name = 

  (* load json design(s) *)
  let open HardCamlYosys in
  let designs = Import.load Techlib.Simlib.cells (Io.read (open_in json_file)) in

  (* construct hardcaml circuit *)
  let open HardCaml in
  let open Signal.Comb in
  let i,o,fn = List.assoc core_name designs in
  let o = fn (List.map (fun (n,b) -> n, input n b) i) in

  (* write back to verilog *)
  let circuit = Circuit.make core_name (List.map (fun (n,s) -> output n s) o) in
  Rtl.Verilog.write print_string circuit 

let () = convert "design.json" "mytop"