source link
Run with Virtual Env:
- Create a virtual env with Python 3.8 or greater
- run ‘pip install -r requirements.txt’
- run ‘achilles_v3.py’
- The code will begin by going into the speech mode
- Speak for a desired amount of time and hit the enter key
- This will take you to the llm-rag part
- Type in your query
- Wait for the response
- Select to either to go back to the speech part, continue with the llm part or exit the system
Run with Docker:
- Navigate to the project folder
1.1 Download the achilles_image.tar docker image from https://livejohnshopkins-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/tmohsen1_jh_edu/EQxqyEHriYlGpbm02pJAAZkBjuo8yah_7ESbKVCpfDowWQ?e=9xQd0O
1.2 Move the downloaded *.tar file to the project folder
- Load the docker on your machine by running ‘docker load -i achilles_image.tar’
- Launch the docker by running ‘sh docker_run.sh’
- run ‘achilles_v3.py’
- The code will begin by going into the speech mode
- Speak for a desired amount of time and hit the enter key
- This will take you to the llm-rag part
- Type in your query
- Wait for the response
- Select to either to go back to the speech part, continue with the llm part or exit the system